Cool lot, Nintega. Gunhed, Galaga, Final Soldier, and Soldier Blade are all winners.
Despite its flaws, I like Genpei Toumaden II quite a bit; but I haven't played its predecessor yet. Nat, GUTS, and Necromancer have pretty much scared me away from it.
I really think you should be the judge.
Oh, I'll definitely buy and play it. I buy and play everything.
The vicious reviews it received from those three fellows have made my expectations for it quite low, especially since my views usually match up with Nat's and he's proclaimed it THE WORST PCE GAME EVER MADE (can it be even worse than JJ?!). But in a way, their remarks have made me more curious about it as well, since I'm always up for a good disaster.
I'm probably overstating for dramatic effect. But I couldn't even force myself to finish the game. I think GUTS played all the way through. Though I haven't actually played every PCE game ever made, so I can't really make a legitimate claim that it's the worst. I guess JJ & Jeff and Wonder Momo are pretty bad, too. It's a tough call.
And FWIW, the YouTube codec actually makes the graphics look better than they actually are. The shining moments of the game are definitely the "big sprite" stages which play just like the second game but look and feel a bit crappier. The "little sprite" and overhead stages are where things fall apart. Flicker and crappy production value runs rampant.
I might be confused, but I think I have Genpei Toumaden for Famicom. I have not gotten to the "big sprite" part of the game, if there is one. Has anyone here played the Famicom and PCE versions? How do they compare. I've played a bit of both of them, years ago. From what I recall, the Famicom version begins with an overhead "map", while the PCE version begins with side-view hack-n-slash platforming (tiny sprites!).