Think of all the poor dying children in third-world countries and people dying of flesh eating bacteria. Those people, I have sympathy for.
Sorry, I just have to ask. What if you were addressing a group of girls/women in africa who were all dying of flesh eaying bacteria (don't worry, you are in a full body condom) and you were having to ask them where you could get a load of bread and butter, which term would you use? (yes they all speak English, one of them is clutching a duo-rx and calling it her baby as well) 
A: Not likely none of us would ever get caught dead in a full body condom suit.
B:Not likely none of us would ever get caught dead in a full body condom suit or not,roaming around Africa. You couldn't pay me enough to go there. Leave the trips to Africa for the bleeding hearts who want to save the world. I worry more about the starving and homeless in my own country,and sometimes,not even that.
C:If,and this is a never going to happen if,but if I was in that situation,instead of asking for bread and butter I would be asking for diamonds I can sell to buy a ticket outta there and back to the states,and so Id have extra money left over.