Author Topic: Ok! I got a Core Grafx II comming finally.  (Read 899 times)


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Re: Ok! I got a Core Grafx II comming finally.
« Reply #15 on: December 24, 2007, 11:23:03 AM »
nice catch bro :)

I might be a gamer and into some pretty nerdy things, but I'm a woman not a dude.  I blame my father, he turned me into a computer hardware tech and my sister into a chemist.  Together we form Mecha Washu :shock:  The most powerful, evil and random mecha!  (Sorry I am up at 3am and cannot sleep so I'm a little strange atm)  The first half is serious though.

Oh and ty ^_^

hey ya missa..sorry about that, but wasn't aware of your gender :oops: but in here a everybody is my bro, so you're my sis (^^  o)_Y
anyway have fun with your new device and let grow the family :mrgreen:
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Re: Ok! I got a Core Grafx II comming finally.
« Reply #16 on: December 24, 2007, 11:42:44 AM »
Hehe. I thought that maybe "bro" was the new politically correct term that applied to both genders. Like "actor" or "waiter".  :P

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Re: Ok! I got a Core Grafx II comming finally.
« Reply #17 on: December 24, 2007, 02:11:36 PM »
Quote from: Tatsujin
hey ya missa..sorry about that, but wasn't aware of your gender :oops: but in here a everybody is my bro, so you're my sis (^^  o)_Y
anyway have fun with your new device and let grow the family :mrgreen:

No offence taken, I have not talked to you personally at all on the board and unless you read 1 or 2 of my very early threads, or are BT then you probably do not know.  I don't know the genders of most of the people here, but I assume they are guys based on their avatars and in some cases the way they "talk". 

Anyways now I will have my FX and a Grafx II, I just need to get a CD addon or a DUO now and I'll really be in business. :pray:
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Re: Ok! I got a Core Grafx II comming finally.
« Reply #18 on: December 24, 2007, 02:53:54 PM »
Ohhh, you should get a SUPER CDROM2 addon. It makes for a cool looking setup, CoreGrafx+Super CDROM2 unit combo. Also, like the Duo you don't need a SCD 3.0 card as it's built into the addon unit.
Agreed and then some beside missa a scdr2 can play burns.

Even better if your interested at playing any u.s hucards the,Coregrafx can be region modded.

D-lite did mine coregrafx works great so far.

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Re: Ok! I got a Core Grafx II comming finally.
« Reply #19 on: December 24, 2007, 02:58:10 PM »
but I assume they are guys based on their avatars and in some cases the way they "talk". 

hella yes..and sometimes based on their signature as well :mrgreen:
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Re: Ok! I got a Core Grafx II comming finally.
« Reply #20 on: December 26, 2007, 04:26:16 AM »
I always say "you guys" when I'm addressing multiple people at once- no female has ever been offended by that until one time I was talking to two lesbians who were both super butch (weird, because usually just one of them is butch), and I said "you guys", they got really pissed. 


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Re: Ok! I got a Core Grafx II comming finally.
« Reply #21 on: December 26, 2007, 04:41:43 AM »
Maybe one of 'em was packing heat and was afraid that the other would find out 'her' secret.  :-s
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Re: Ok! I got a Core Grafx II comming finally.
« Reply #22 on: December 26, 2007, 08:53:15 AM »
I always say "you guys" when I'm addressing multiple people at once- no female has ever been offended by that until one time I was talking to two lesbians who were both super butch (weird, because usually just one of them is butch), and I said "you guys", they got really pissed. 

"guys" is a really tricky word for people to navigate in the English language.  When a guy uses it for guys, this is generally accepted.  When a girl uses it for a group of girls, that is generally accepted too.  Further yet complicated by the fact that in some languages these kind of terms are more or less absolute in terms of gender (usually more) and so each individual might not only have their own opinion on proper use, but they might also have other languages hedging their use of English.  When a guy uses the term guy to describe an individual or group of girls I estimate it has a 75% chance of being interpretated correctly (the more the girl knows the guy the higher this % gets).  A lot of this also has to do with the fact that certain types of people seem to take the term more or less gendered.  For example gamer girls or girls involved in team sports are more likely to use the term "guys" in emulation of male speach in the same task (even if they do not notice they are doing this).  A girl using this term to a group of will generally always be recieved well.

Anyways, being a gamer that is a term I am fine with.
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Re: Ok! I got a Core Grafx II comming finally.
« Reply #23 on: December 26, 2007, 09:00:10 AM »
I always say "you guys" when I'm addressing multiple people at once- no female has ever been offended by that until one time I was talking to two lesbians who were both super butch (weird, because usually just one of them is butch), and I said "you guys", they got really pissed. 

I always use the term "guys" to refer to groups of girls. I don't think twice about it. If they don't like it, tough.

People are too f*cking sensitive about things these days, anyway. "Political correctness" has become waaaaaay too important in our society anymore. If as a woman all you have to worry about in life is whether or not someone refers to you and your girlfriends as "guys" when in casual conversation, you're pretty well off and you'll get no sympathy from me. Think of all the poor dying children in third-world countries and people dying of flesh eating bacteria. Those people, I have sympathy for.



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Re: Ok! I got a Core Grafx II comming finally.
« Reply #24 on: December 26, 2007, 09:04:05 AM »
Quote from: nat
Think of all the poor dying children in third-world countries and people dying of flesh eating bacteria. Those people, I have sympathy for.

Sorry, I just have to ask.  What if you were addressing a group of girls/women in africa who were all dying of flesh eaying bacteria (don't worry, you are in a full body condom) and you were having to ask them where you could get a load of bread and butter, which term would you use?  (yes they all speak English, one of them is clutching a duo-rx and calling it her baby as well) :lol:
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Re: Ok! I got a Core Grafx II comming finally.
« Reply #25 on: December 26, 2007, 09:29:46 AM »
I always use the term "guys" to refer to groups of girls. I don't think twice about it. If they don't like it, tough.

People are too f*cking sensitive about things these days, anyway.

Word.  "Guys" is my go-to term, though I'll switch to "ladies" if they appear to be old enough to fart dust or to "bitches" when talking to my hos.
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Re: Ok! I got a Core Grafx II comming finally.
« Reply #26 on: January 01, 2008, 03:04:11 PM »
I got my Core Grafx two when I was 14 :) accident happened and it was no more. Bought a new pc engine this year (I'm 24 now), a cute little white one :) Actually I have two, one that needs an rgb conversion (still haven't gotten around to sending it away, but next week hopefully!!!) and another which doesn't work-but that was part of the deal anyway.

Michael Helgeson

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Re: Ok! I got a Core Grafx II comming finally.
« Reply #27 on: January 01, 2008, 04:24:37 PM »
Quote from: nat
Think of all the poor dying children in third-world countries and people dying of flesh eating bacteria. Those people, I have sympathy for.

Sorry, I just have to ask.  What if you were addressing a group of girls/women in africa who were all dying of flesh eaying bacteria (don't worry, you are in a full body condom) and you were having to ask them where you could get a load of bread and butter, which term would you use?  (yes they all speak English, one of them is clutching a duo-rx and calling it her baby as well) :lol:

A: Not likely none of us would ever get caught dead in a full body condom suit.

B:Not likely none of us would ever get caught dead in a full body condom suit or not,roaming around Africa. You couldn't pay me enough to go there. Leave the trips to Africa for the bleeding hearts who want to save the world. I worry more about the starving and homeless in my own country,and sometimes,not even that.

C:If,and this is a never going to happen if,but if I was in that situation,instead of asking for bread and butter I would be asking for diamonds I can sell to buy a ticket outta there and back to the states,and so Id have extra money left over.