Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
Red Dwarf Season 3 RE-MASTERED
Two questions for a fellow Dwarfer: is that a region 1 dvd, and do the changes make much difference (good or bad)?
It's actually not a DVD at all-- I got a VHS set. But yeah, it's NTSC.
The film transfer itself is really good-- the colors are MUCH brighter than the standard versions of the episodes. The contrast is much improved. I also have Season 1 & 2 re-mastered and the difference on those series is even more astounding. Those series always looked so drab and gray to me.
Beyond the film enhancement, they also re-did all of the exterior model shots and replaced them with CGI. These effects are a mixed bag, and you'll either love 'em or hate 'em. I love 'em. At worst, they are of Season 8-quality CGI. At best, they are.... better. They changed the Blue Midget ship to look like it did in Season 8. A lot of the original model shots looked really cheesy and blue-screened, which has been eliminated with the CGI. In Seasons 1 & 2 they changed the intro. They added a new intro with the theme song used in 3 thru 8 where they run scenes from episodes with the music in the background. I heard that they re-filmed Holly's parts in 1 & 2 for the re-master so you wouldn't notice that he had aged (since he's a computer and all) but to be honest, I can't tell. I haven't compared side-by-side so I can't say for sure.
All in all, I love the re-masters and I will be watching them over the originals. I'd recommend 'em if you can find 'em. I'm not sure if they've been released on DVD yet-- the person that gave me Season 3 this year said she couldn't find the re-masters on DVD. So beware, the Red Dwarf DVDs that are common in stores now are the ORIGINAL film transfer not the remasters.