I always get Yo Bro and Camp California confused with one another. I always think they're the same game, or at least they should be. I doubt either will ever find its way into my esteemed collection of goodness.
I always felt the same way.
I still think Yo' Bro looks like loads of crap, but since Chris Covell's in-depth webpage look at Camp California, I'm obsessed with obtaining a copy. The game looks awesome, and it's got some really nice looking graphics.
Search the forums for "Camp California" posts by nodtveidt (old rover). He was the first person to really delve into CC, praise it, and provide a really in-depth analysis of what works (and doesn't work) as far as the game's mechanics are concerned. His sober, insightful thoughts really helped me appreciate a bunch of games that I had written-off (Exile 2, Camp California, and 1-2 others).
I'd say that runin, Black_Tiger and nodtveidt have really helped me re-discover and appreciate a bunch of games.
To return the favor, I have unrelentingly praised China Warrior over the years.