Allright I bought a Super UFO 34M off a guy I know from EBay, he is not very helpful as he didnt even use this but a couple times.
First off should the ac power adapter be getting hot? Its not quite burn your hand hot but its pretty darn hot and I'm used to systems that use these big power packs. He had sent me a AC-DC Adapter Input AC 120V 60hz and Output DC9V850mA (middle negative polarity, outside positive)
2nd Problem, and this stinks. I have gotten 1 Translated RPG to load (DQV) but i cannot get any others to load. i tryed DQ6, Bahamat Lagoon, and BL shouldnt be too big. It dont load the .1GM right, it just stops right after it starts, and has a bunch of jibberish stuff at the bottom for the game name. I tryed this on DQ6 and it DID load all the disks, but then same deal Jibberish at the bottom, Black Screen at load. I Loaded on DQ5 Translated and it works perfectly.
I used SNES tool and split the files in a bunch of diffrent various sizes, and i tryed delete the header of files too and no luck.
Anyone that can help in these matters I would be very thankful. I have no where else to turn to and ask people that will know about this.