Ok, your turn.
Write a short story that incorporates "ringtones", "van", and "Dracula X Special Version".
Sam was running for his life. He didn't know if he would make it in time or not,but he had to try god dammit! He just managed to steal Nintegas copy of Dracula X Special Version at the PCE Drag Queen Convention,and he knew that soon as shit Nintega would be hitting his cell phone and calling all the queens he can to round up a posse.
Sam's van was in poor condition. He knew it wouldn't make it to Konami USA in a cross country trip,esp in time and be able to elude Nintega's goons as everyone knows what Sam's van looks like. You see,Sam once had the van painted pink and had the side detailed with Guns and Roses logos.
Sam had the idea to trade in the copy of Dracula X for a new paint job with side art that included images of Alec Baldwins The Shadow. Sam is a big Alec Baldwin/Shadow nutt. Super hard core. He has even made his own special ring tones using The Shadows sinister pedo laugh and movie soundtrack. Pretty sick shit.
Sam is scared,he doesn't know what to do,he cant think straight,mind numbed by the thoughts of the barter he thinks he will get to work out with Konami USA. Hes excited as hell. The problem is Sam is asleep.
Sam is in a coma and is dreaming all of this,in a loop,over and over again,and every time he makes it to the 4 way on Oak and 5th Street the light turns red,he gets stuck there for 5 mins to contemplate what to do and what he wants Konami USA to do in this deal he has conceived, and out of the blue a 57' Chevy falls from the sky and hits his van,crushing him,the van,and the stolen copy of Dracula X Special Version.
Every time this happens the dream starts again. What Sam is unaware of in his coma state is that Nintega is in the room,as a CNA worker there,in his woman disguise, and fondles Sam while he is stuck in his dreams. Sam will never wake up,and Nintega plans to work there till he retires. Its horrible.
The End.