You know, that's interesting, and I actually had a case where I repaired a Duo for someone and after I sent it back they reported something similar. Because of the individual in question, I thought they were full of shit to be perfectly frank, but after hearing your story maybe they were telling the truth. It's odd because I tested that person's Duo for like 3 hours straight on two different occasions and it had no audio problems at all during that period of time. Before that instance, and now yours, I have never otherwise heard of such a phenomenon. I would replace any caps you haven't already replaced, but it seems doubtful the ones in the area you specified have any tie to the audio system. But the bottom line is, if the issue persists, there is a cap somewhere that is acting up. If you've replaced them all, it means one of the replacements is bad, was damaged on installation, or was installed incorrectly. You might try reflowing the solder on all the replaced caps in case it's a bad solder job making a shoddy connection somewhere. Sometimes the problem isn't visible and you just have to give in and do it all over again.