Author Topic: What is the most that YOU would pay for Dynastic Hero?  (Read 1231 times)

Michael Helgeson

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Re: What is the most that YOU would pay for Dynastic Hero?
« Reply #30 on: November 26, 2008, 10:18:37 AM »
Well, we all know Zetas feelings on collectors, as he showed it often in the past on sale threads that had good prices even. Especially his opinion on TG collectors, what he seems to generally consider to be idiots. I mean,you can even look at his collection list on Tats site, its mostly nickle and dime PCE buys so to speak. Hes like a poor granny scouring garage sales for the cheapest deals. Not many real amazing games there in his collection. The thing is though Zeta, yea the PCE has alot of good to average titles for 20 and under, and its great you're happy with building up a collection of 60 average to good titles, but not having the best titles really hurts, and you are simply missing out on alot of stuff.

Seriously anyway, if you can afford Dracula X, and are willing to buy it, then whats the difference in buying it at $100 or more then buying a US Dynastic Hero at $250 or whatever. Its just cash, and cash doesn't entertain most folks on its own merits. If you can afford Drac X, you can ,if not right away, eventually afford a US Dynastic Hero, or Might and Magic 3 even. Some people have enough money to buy simply whatever they want, really, who f*ckin cares, other then you Zeta???

Really, if $250 is that big a deal, then try this new method for buying games. Its called saving up, and not spending your electric bill cash. Regret free money,regardless of the amount. You're well past the $100 mark either way on stuff like Dracula X, or do you consider $100 "cheap" and anything past not so cheap. Really, I mean,whats the standard you hold on this "cheap" and "not cheap" game buying habit of yours? Seriously, the US stuff is not as common anyway, and there are plenty of nice perks to the later US stuff that ensure a high dollar value and a better resale amount down the road in case you need to. English text being the main perk especially. Believe it or not, a lot of collectors actually do want to know what the f*ckin story to a game is more often then not (Exile 2, Vasteel, Might and magic 3, and Dynastic Hero for example), and don't care to just yank it from Wiki or Gamefaqs faqs in order to know it.

The other perk, the later US titles had good box and manual art. And man really, if all you are into is nabbing games at 20 bucks and under, you're in the wrong hobby regardless. Go collect Beta tapes on ebay instead or something. Game collecting, esp when collecting the best or uncommon games, is going to cost good money either way, regardless of the format, 3DO, MVS or AES, TG or PCE, Mega Drive,Saturn,Jamma,ect....
For that matter, if you want cost controlled gaming like the average,casual gamer on a budget,then admit that that is what you are, a casual gamer, stick to modern systems where titles stay mostly at $50 and under, or simply keep your sweetly stupid mouth shut on these types of threads. Otherwise, you're bitching and whining about what others are paying is just exposing you for what you really are, a poser/small fry liek Nintega way out of their league trying to hang with the big boys of the hobby, or dissing them for what they can have that you never will due to your own issues.

Seriously, guys, there's nothing noble about spending a shit-ton of money on one game. You're just pissed because someone pointed it out. Not everybody has a "collector" mentality, and to be perfectly frank, that mentality ISN'T healthy. It's your money, and you're free to do with it as you please. The KLF burned a million pounds, you guys throw a several hundred away on one game. You're free to do it, but don't delude yourself into thinking it isn't wasteful, even forgetting all the actually noble things you could be doing with that money. This will never make sense to anyone who doesn't share your "unhealthy" obsession. There's no amount of whining about free will, collectability, or "I wanna play it"-ness that is going to convince someone else that's it's a good idea to spend $200-500 on a piece of plastic, particularly when it's only true value is for collection purposes. It's hard to fathom how someone would spend $200 on Panzer Dragoon Saga, but at least in that case it's a game that you can't get anywhere else by any other means.

I'd be willing to bet there are collector attitudes that piss you guys off as well. The person that has to have all sealed games or the guy that buys up ten copies of that incredibly rare title just to stick it on the shelf. The deeper you get into collecting, the stranger the behavior looks from the outside. Justify it to yourself, but it isn't ever going to make sense to anyone else. That's because it really DOESN'T make sense, and if you could step back and take a look at it objectively, you'd see that. What difference does it make whether it appreciates in value or not. You're not buying it to some day resell it at a higher value. And if you never buy it, it's not any great loss, so who cares what price it's at in some hypothetical future? The only person who cares about these things is the person who's goal it is to resell.

Please realize, I'm not actually knocking any of you guys for wanting this game, or for shelling out the cash for it. I just think that your rationalization is a bunch of b.s. It sounds more like you're trying to convince yourselves than anyone else. You're the alcoholic claiming you don't have a problem, trying to explain to sober judges why there's nothing wrong with your drinking. It really doesn't matter in the end, tho. We all have our addictions and our vices. Just don't think you'll convince anyone that it isn't a vice.

Same applies for you mobiusclimber, if you feel its wasteful, then stop collecting games and go donate your money to the Goodwill, Peace Corps, Red Cross,or whatever. Stop buying shit period, because its all wasteful then, whether its 2 bucks or 300 bucks, its all wasteful meaningless plastic. Better yet, since your on a personal good will tour for mankind, go volunteer for free, do it till your hearts content. Give give give like there's no bloody f*cking tomorrow. Personally, I mean, in that stance you make us out to be selfish bastards, and if that's the case, who cares, so be it. So Im a selfish bastard that likes to own lots of nice things. In the same regard, how is this collecting hobby unhealthy? It makes me happy. I fail to see how being happy is unhealthy unless I fail to pay my bills, provide for my kids, and buy food in the process. I am entertained, which again keeps me happy. I have some pride in the things I own, which is materialistic, sure, but who cares. The only way to not be materialistic is to live naked on a deserted island.

Till you do that, and the other things mentioned above, shut the f*ck up with that nonsense. For that matter, others show pride in the homes they buy, the cars they buy, is that unhealthy too? Others pride themselves in sport f*cking (while using protection). Do you rag on them too, and offer sad apologies afterwords also? Isn't that in and of itself unhealthy too, ragging on others who don't live up to your standards, or follow your ways??? Or is the Religion of being a Self Centered Dickhead a healthy one?

Seriously, everyone has their own vices and manners of which they bring pride upon themselves, and I don't know who the f*ck you think you are to make any types of judgments here on it, on others, but I seriously got to tell you, other then Zeta, you are going to quickly find yourself all alone here, as the vast majority of us here, 95 percent or above, are hard core collectors that you are burning bridges fast with, by spouting out "Holier Than Thou" lecture shit like that upon us. For that matter, as you made the comment on how we may appear strange for the outside world, why the f*ck should we care what others think about our hobbies. Who are we trying to please here, others or ourselves? That in itself is unhealthy, you or others so pent up and worried what others think that you have to be a conformist, not a individualist. Screw that shit. That kinda mentality is for dedicated Wal-Mart workers and habitual church goers who yell the good word 7 ways from Sunday.


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Re: What is the most that YOU would pay for Dynastic Hero?
« Reply #31 on: November 26, 2008, 10:22:37 AM »
Hahahaha listen to yourself dude. Really. You sound like a girl on the rag. You can't handle anyone criticizing your obsession, can you? When I read the kind of vitriol you and others on here were spewing forth over someone's opinion I just had to play devil's advocate. It really sounds like you are more pissed off at yourself and your addiction than at anyone else. Otherwise, why take it so personal? Why get so offended? So someone calls into question whether it's healthy to collect stuff. SO f*ckIN WHAT? Half the people on here have to get their panties twisted over it? You act like someone said something about your mom. Step back from the ledge, dude.

I've spent a lot of money on collecting. But I'm not going to pretend like it's healthy. If I didn't buy another game today I'd have enough games to play til I die. Yet I still buy more. That's called obsession. You're only deluding yourself when you make excuses like this and attack people for pointing it out. Get a grip.


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Re: What is the most that YOU would pay for Dynastic Hero?
« Reply #32 on: November 26, 2008, 10:28:02 AM »
Seriously, guys, there's nothing noble about spending a shit-ton of money on one game.
Who said anything about "noble"?  These people buy the games to complete their collections and/or to have them to play- not to feel distinguished.

You're just pissed because someone pointed it out.

Wrong.  I'm annoyed that some sour puss feels that fellow members of a classic video game forum are "idiots" for tracking down what they consider a valuable piece of their collection.

Not everybody has a "collector" mentality, and to be perfectly frank, that mentality ISN'T healthy.

I myself don't have a "collector" mentality- I actually play the shit out of the games I buy- and beat a fair number of them.  A "collector" to me is some goon who buys the games in the mintest possible condition and leaves them there untouched on the shelf as trophies- those kind of people regularly don't stay on this forum that long and they're not represented by the people on this thread.  

It's your money, and you're free to do with it as you please.

Right.  Now what was your point again?

The KLF burned a million pounds, you guys throw a several hundred away on one game. You're free to do it, but don't delude yourself into thinking it isn't wasteful, even forgetting all the actually noble things you could be doing with that money. This will never make sense to anyone who doesn't share your "unhealthy" obsession.

You are against collections- ironically enough if you change the word slightly it represents your ideas- "collectivism".  I suppose it'd be the "noble" thing to give our money away to charity and to save the whales instead of spending however the f*ck we wish?  Leave the altruist bullshit for another forum.

There's no amount of whining about free will, collectability, or "I wanna play it"-ness that is going to convince someone else that's it's a good idea to spend $200-500 on a piece of plastic, particularly when it's only true value is for collection purposes.

There's also no amount of whining about "noble" ways we should be spending our money that will make me think you're less of a schmuck.

It's hard to fathom how someone would spend $200 on Panzer Dragoon Saga, but at least in that case it's a game that you can't get anywhere else by any other means.

Hmmm.  So you have your case exceptions- but find it ridiculous that others have theirs.  Now you're confusing me- are you a collectivist or a believer in individual special privileges?  More likely you don't have any set beliefs-  just some guy spouting random nonsense.

The deeper you get into collecting, the stranger the behavior looks from the outside.

Yeah... and of all places for it to seem strange- a classic video game forum.  Go figure.

Justify it to yourself, but it isn't ever going to make sense to anyone else.

Another solid thought.  The many here who would pay a large amount for Dynastic Hero each individually do not qualify as "anyone else"- likely because they're all one single entity.

That's because it really DOESN'T make sense, and if you could step back and take a look at it objectively, you'd see that. What difference does it make whether it appreciates in value or not. You're not buying it to some day resell it at a higher value.

Does anyone here really buy games with the idea of selling them back?  Resellers- sure- but not the bulk of us.  Rover didn't intend to sell off his collection- but the need arose.  If the money is really needed then these games make for a solid insurance policy.  Furthermore- If they're never sold in our lifetime- they are passed off to our offspring or loved ones who in turn can turn a profit- and I wouldn't begrudge a loved one to do that if I passed away and she needed the money- I'd hope for it.  Secondly- aside from monetary value- who are you to presume upon us the intrinsic value of a game?  The value is in the eye of the beholder.

And if you never buy it, it's not any great loss, so who cares what price it's at in some hypothetical future?


The only person who cares about these things is the person who's goal it is to resell.

Or the person who appreciates owning things of value, or the person who eventually comes into money trouble.

Please realize, I'm not actually knocking any of you guys for wanting this game, or for shelling out the cash for it. I just think that your rationalization is a bunch of b.s. It sounds more like you're trying to convince yourselves than anyone else. You're the alcoholic claiming you don't have a problem, trying to explain to sober judges why there's nothing wrong with your drinking.

I love how you're not trying to knock anyone and yet in the same breath call their rationalization bullshit and compare them to alcoholics.  You'd make for a good politician- smiling while spitting, jerking us off while driving a knife into our hearts.

It really doesn't matter in the end, tho. We all have our addictions and our vices. Just don't think you'll convince anyone that it isn't a vice.

You know what really doesn't matter in the end?  Your entire post.  It's full of contradiction, pointless statements (see above  :-k), nonsense and hollow vecture.

Quote from: Tatsujin
atm its just amateurish boytoy shizzle
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Michael Helgeson

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Re: What is the most that YOU would pay for Dynastic Hero?
« Reply #33 on: November 26, 2008, 10:39:03 AM »
Hahahaha listen to yourself dude. Really. You sound like a girl on the rag. You can't handle anyone criticizing your obsession, can you? When I read the kind of vitriol you and others on here were spewing forth over someone's opinion I just had to play devil's advocate. It really sounds like you are more pissed off at yourself and your addiction than at anyone else. Otherwise, why take it so personal? Why get so offended? So someone calls into question whether it's healthy to collect stuff. SO f*ckIN WHAT? Half the people on here have to get their panties twisted over it? You act like someone said something about your mom. Step back from the ledge, dude.

I've spent a lot of money on collecting. But I'm not going to pretend like it's healthy. If I didn't buy another game today I'd have enough games to play til I die. Yet I still buy more. That's called obsession. You're only deluding yourself when you make excuses like this and attack people for pointing it out. Get a grip.

I got one for you, you sad hypocritical f*ck. Instead of knocking others here, why don't you go log the hell off, go practice what you preach, and never come back? Shouldn't be too hard since you will be too busy giving your warm heart felt charity like there is no tomorrow, and tossing in all those man hours into the Peace Corps in Darfur for the neediest of the needy. Or,let me guess, you'd rather keep on practicing that Religion of being a Self Centered Dickhead around here, like when Gek explained his family situation and you yet still felt you had to beat a dead horse, kicking him when he was down, for your own dick headed satisfaction. Yea, you're going to last a real long time here, I can already tell.  :roll:

Got to love the sad f*cks who come around here with these twisted, offbeaten, double standards and morals ehh Sini?
« Last Edit: November 26, 2008, 04:58:15 PM by PC-ENGINE HELL »


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Re: What is the most that YOU would pay for Dynastic Hero?
« Reply #34 on: November 26, 2008, 10:44:06 AM »
Seriously, guys, there's nothing noble about spending a shit-ton of money on one game. You're just pissed because someone pointed it out.

Nor is there anything noble about spending $1 on a game.  Furthermore, a 'shit-ton of money' is entirely subjective.  To some, it's a yearly wage; for others, it's only a few hours work.  None of Zeta's comments concerned altruism, so it sounds like you've come to the wrong argument.

Not everybody has a "collector" mentality, and to be perfectly frank, that mentality ISN'T healthy. It's your money, and you're free to do with it as you please. The KLF burned a million pounds, you guys throw a several hundred away on one game. You're free to do it, but don't delude yourself into thinking it isn't wasteful, even forgetting all the actually noble things you could be doing with that money. This will never make sense to anyone who doesn't share your "unhealthy" obsession. There's no amount of whining about free will, collectability, or "I wanna play it"-ness that is going to convince someone else that's it's a good idea to spend $200-500 on a piece of plastic, particularly when it's only true value is for collection purposes.

What's so unhealthy about collecting?  I've spent far more money over the years on dining out, concerts, vacations, etc.  Do you volunteer all of your spare time and donate every last dime not absolutely required to live above the station of a hermit?  If not, then perhaps you're not as 'noble' and cool as you think.  I'll never try to convince someone that it's a good idea to spend such a sum on such a trivial thing, but neither would I call someone who did an idiots.

It's hard to fathom how someone would spend $200 on Panzer Dragoon Saga, but at least in that case it's a game that you can't get anywhere else by any other means.

ISOs beg to differ.  :roll:

Please realize, I'm not actually knocking any of you guys for wanting this game, or for shelling out the cash for it. I just think that your rationalization is a bunch of b.s. It sounds more like you're trying to convince yourselves than anyone else. You're the alcoholic claiming you don't have a problem, trying to explain to sober judges why there's nothing wrong with your drinking. It really doesn't matter in the end, tho. We all have our addictions and our vices. Just don't think you'll convince anyone that it isn't a vice.

You need to consult a dictionary.  Unlike addictions and vices, my game collecting doesn't hurt anyone, is not compulsory, and certainly isn't immoral.  Trivializing alcoholism and other serious addictions makes you either a fool or at least naive.

I've spent a lot of money on collecting. But I'm not going to pretend like it's healthy. If I didn't buy another game today I'd have enough games to play til I die. Yet I still buy more. That's called obsession. You're only deluding yourself when you make excuses like this and attack people for pointing it out. Get a grip.

If you can't stop yourself, then you should seek counseling (obsessions are compulsory).  Just as one can drink alcohol yet not be an alcoholic, one can buy games yet not have a problem.
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Re: What is the most that YOU would pay for Dynastic Hero?
« Reply #35 on: November 26, 2008, 10:50:44 AM »
I just had to play devil's advocate.

Piss poor devil's advocate- you just got body slammed Bruno.

I've spent a lot of money on collecting. But I'm not going to pretend like it's healthy.

No- you're just gonna try to slam others for doing the same exact shit you do.  We call that a "hypocrite".  Yet you do it with such class- rattling off intangibles pertaining to health and nobility.  You almost swayed us all for a second there.  Not really.

If I didn't buy another game today I'd have enough games to play til I die. Yet I still buy more. That's called obsession. You're only deluding yourself when you make excuses like this and attack people for pointing it out. Get a grip.

Hmmm.  So you're saying all this applies to you- and yet you try this on Mike- "It really sounds like you are more pissed off at yourself and your addiction than at anyone else.".  You've only proven that that statement applies to yourself.  

Well congrats.   :clap: You effectively now wear bigger clown shoes than Zeke- every "point" collapsing in on itself- as pointless as climbing a mobius strip- no destination- just all the fun of being a mindless maroon in the voyage.

Quote from: Tatsujin
atm its just amateurish boytoy shizzle
Quote from: Tatsujin
they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real


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Re: What is the most that YOU would pay for Dynastic Hero?
« Reply #36 on: November 26, 2008, 11:16:26 AM »
Justify it to yourself, but it isn't ever going to make sense to anyone else. That's because it really DOESN'T make sense, and if you could step back and take a look at it objectively, you'd see that.

It doesn't make SENSE for someone to go onto a website talking about 20-year old video game system.
It doesn't make SENSE for someone to go play games on a 20-year old game system.
It doesn't make SENSE for someone to have 20-year old system and games.
It doesn't make SENSE for someone to BUY 20-year old system and games.
HELL, It doesn't make SENSE for someone to be playing video games.

So, now we're on the the subject of "SENSE", justify yourself, mobius. Why in the world do you affiliate yourself with "an outdated piece of junk" knowing full well that all you do with it is sit on your butt and waste precious hours on it all day? If you step back and take a look at it objectively, you'd see that too. Stating you're just as "guilty" as the rest of us. Concluding that this whole "collecting vs non-collecting" argument is mind-numbingly stupid!

Don't like spending tons of money on a game? Fine! More power to you. But don't go around preaching on your high horse the "sins of collecting". How would you feel if someone told you playing games on the PCE/TG was idiotic and get a PS3 instead? Or, better yet, stop playing video game altogether?

This forum is an oasis for people who like the TG/PCE and its games and share their thoughts and feelings without being forced to "justify" for themselves or told how to live someone else's life. In a nutshell, you live YOUR life YOUR way and I'll live MY life MY way. 

« Last Edit: November 26, 2008, 11:20:31 AM by Press_Run »

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Re: What is the most that YOU would pay for Dynastic Hero?
« Reply #37 on: November 26, 2008, 11:55:55 AM »
I voted $200. But I'd plan for it and save up after picking up nearly every other game first.

I paid $230 for SFIICE with a kisado back in the day and it was one of the best Turbo/PCE purchases I've ever made.

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ceti alpha

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Re: What is the most that YOU would pay for Dynastic Hero?
« Reply #38 on: November 26, 2008, 12:07:39 PM »
I voted $200. But I'd plan for it and save up after picking up nearly every other game first.

I paid $230 for SFIICE with a kisado back in the day and it was one of the best Turbo/PCE purchases I've ever made.

Yeah, the US port, along with games like Beyond Shadowgate and Magical Chase (US) are going to be last buys to complete either my US collection or even the entire collection. lol. Probably the former. hehe  :wink:

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Re: What is the most that YOU would pay for Dynastic Hero?
« Reply #39 on: November 26, 2008, 01:19:26 PM »
Seriously, guys, there's nothing noble about spending a shit-ton of money on one game. You're just pissed because someone pointed it out. Not everybody has a "collector" mentality, and to be perfectly frank, that mentality ISN'T healthy. It's your money, and you're free to do with it as you please. The KLF burned a million pounds, you guys throw a several hundred away on one game. You're free to do it, but don't delude yourself into thinking it isn't wasteful, even forgetting all the actually noble things you could be doing with that money. This will never make sense to anyone who doesn't share your "unhealthy" obsession. There's no amount of whining about free will, collectability, or "I wanna play it"-ness that is going to convince someone else that's it's a good idea to spend $200-500 on a piece of plastic, particularly when it's only true value is for collection purposes. It's hard to fathom how someone would spend $200 on Panzer Dragoon Saga, but at least in that case it's a game that you can't get anywhere else by any other means.

I'd be willing to bet there are collector attitudes that piss you guys off as well. The person that has to have all sealed games or the guy that buys up ten copies of that incredibly rare title just to stick it on the shelf. The deeper you get into collecting, the stranger the behavior looks from the outside. Justify it to yourself, but it isn't ever going to make sense to anyone else. That's because it really DOESN'T make sense, and if you could step back and take a look at it objectively, you'd see that. What difference does it make whether it appreciates in value or not. You're not buying it to some day resell it at a higher value. And if you never buy it, it's not any great loss, so who cares what price it's at in some hypothetical future? The only person who cares about these things is the person who's goal it is to resell.

Please realize, I'm not actually knocking any of you guys for wanting this game, or for shelling out the cash for it. I just think that your rationalization is a bunch of b.s. It sounds more like you're trying to convince yourselves than anyone else. You're the alcoholic claiming you don't have a problem, trying to explain to sober judges why there's nothing wrong with your drinking. It really doesn't matter in the end, tho. We all have our addictions and our vices. Just don't think you'll convince anyone that it isn't a vice.

Jesus... You sound like my Mom...  :roll:

ceti alpha

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Re: What is the most that YOU would pay for Dynastic Hero?
« Reply #40 on: November 26, 2008, 01:55:16 PM »
Seriously, guys, there's nothing noble about spending a shit-ton of money on one game. You're just pissed because someone pointed it out. Not everybody has a "collector" mentality, and to be perfectly frank, that mentality ISN'T healthy. It's your money, and you're free to do with it as you please. The KLF burned a million pounds, you guys throw a several hundred away on one game. You're free to do it, but don't delude yourself into thinking it isn't wasteful, even forgetting all the actually noble things you could be doing with that money. This will never make sense to anyone who doesn't share your "unhealthy" obsession. There's no amount of whining about free will, collectability, or "I wanna play it"-ness that is going to convince someone else that's it's a good idea to spend $200-500 on a piece of plastic, particularly when it's only true value is for collection purposes. It's hard to fathom how someone would spend $200 on Panzer Dragoon Saga, but at least in that case it's a game that you can't get anywhere else by any other means.

I'd be willing to bet there are collector attitudes that piss you guys off as well. The person that has to have all sealed games or the guy that buys up ten copies of that incredibly rare title just to stick it on the shelf. The deeper you get into collecting, the stranger the behavior looks from the outside. Justify it to yourself, but it isn't ever going to make sense to anyone else. That's because it really DOESN'T make sense, and if you could step back and take a look at it objectively, you'd see that. What difference does it make whether it appreciates in value or not. You're not buying it to some day resell it at a higher value. And if you never buy it, it's not any great loss, so who cares what price it's at in some hypothetical future? The only person who cares about these things is the person who's goal it is to resell.

Please realize, I'm not actually knocking any of you guys for wanting this game, or for shelling out the cash for it. I just think that your rationalization is a bunch of b.s. It sounds more like you're trying to convince yourselves than anyone else. You're the alcoholic claiming you don't have a problem, trying to explain to sober judges why there's nothing wrong with your drinking. It really doesn't matter in the end, tho. We all have our addictions and our vices. Just don't think you'll convince anyone that it isn't a vice.

Jesus... You sound like my Mom...  :roll:

Sparkles!! Pick up and put away your Dynastic Hero when you're done with it!! I don't want to have to clean up after you!  [-X


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Re: What is the most that YOU would pay for Dynastic Hero?
« Reply #41 on: November 26, 2008, 07:28:53 PM »
Well I gotta throw my hat in the ring.  My only issue with Zeta was him (once again) using terms like idiot, and the deaming way he talks about "collectors."  Hell I may be one of the "worst, obsessed, blah blah blah" people on here.  I can say I paid $300 or $350 (memories a bit fuzzy) for Dynastic.  Right wrong or indifferent I wanted it, had the $ and bit.  Does that make me obsessed?  Does the fact that I built from the ground up a 200 game PCE/TG collection from scratch in a year make me EVIL?  Helllllllls no.  My bills are paid, my child support is paid, I drive almost 8 hrs roundtrip to get my daughter every other week, I go out with friends, am engaged, blah blah blah. sounds pretty well adjusted to me.  I have a sizeable video game, movie, and cd collection, and wait for it...I DO donate to worthy causes.  All this for a high school drop out, damn I must be the scurge of the earth because I ENJOY collecting, AND playing games.
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Re: What is the most that YOU would pay for Dynastic Hero?
« Reply #42 on: November 27, 2008, 03:53:06 PM »
I would pay 800 Wii points.  And I did.  It's a great game.   :D


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Re: What is the most that YOU would pay for Dynastic Hero?
« Reply #43 on: November 27, 2008, 04:13:49 PM »
I voted $35 because I think that is what we paid for it brand new from tzd back in the day.  :wink:


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Re: What is the most that YOU would pay for Dynastic Hero?
« Reply #44 on: November 28, 2008, 06:07:20 PM »
Just edited my previous comment on this thread.

I done just spent too much from buying from my buddy Sparks, and other stuff on Ebay.  So much that I am broke till next pay day.

Wife is insanely pissed but I still manage to smile. =)

While we're on the subject I do tend to agree a little with Mike.  One of the things that attracted me to this forum is because I was understood.  I shouldn't have to worry about being made fun of because i collect an old system.  For me its all about escape from my responsibilities (which I put 200% effort in).

My Job is extremely demanding so much I have not had a chance for a nice vacation in 3 years.  I make really good money, my bills are paid and my fridge is fully-stocked.   Plus as an Army veteran, I think I have earned my right to exercise my free will as long as it doesn't conflict with the laws of the land or God.

My two cents.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2008, 06:15:55 PM by MotherGunner »

SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)