Dude. CEC was my first job.
A week into the job, a drunk mother punched a random little boy in the face and knocked him out.
They serve wine and beer. We were instructed that if a parent is too shitfaced to drive, call a taxi. That's great memories for a small kid! ._. idiots.
I quit awhile ago but a friend still works there. He said a few weeks ago, a bunch of moms got into fist fight over the line for the photobooth, and one lady lost a tooth.
Yay Ohio!
(I was working there when the Toledo stuff happened, because we had to watch special "What happens when parents fist fight" safety videos, lolol)
They got rid of the sweet animatronic band, upped the price of chicken wings, and got rid of Marvel vs. capcom.
Down with CEC! >_<