Author Topic: Laserdisc movies for sale or trade for Turbo/Pc-Engine stuff  (Read 343 times)

Michael Helgeson

  • Guest
Sence it seems there are some Laserdisc collectors around here I thought Id give notice,as Im going to be selling most of my LD collection off,I barely watch any movies anymore,so if the offer is good,Im willing to part with them.Anyway its also mostly because of the space issue,my collection is huge,and I have no more space for them really on the bed room shelf system.Right now they are stored in a closet,temp controlled,upright.I never stacked them on their sides or anything,all of them are taken care of extremely well,and nothing I have has rot,as I got rid of any of my sony made LDS long ago,all my others have been double checked withen the last couple years,as thats when most of them have been purchased.Some of the lds are like:
Robocop 1&2 fullscreen
Robocop Criterian release with all the extras.
Event Horizen
Evil Dead 2 both the full screen and wide screen digital remaster release.
All the Alien movies.This includes,alien 1 fullscreen,and the widescreen boxset,Aliens,fullscreen and 2 widescreen dir.cut boxsets.1 boxset was pressed in the U.S.and the other in Japan.Alien 3&Resurection are both widescreen.
Tron boxset,a must have if your a Tron lover.
Seven Criterian boxset.
Armatage 1-4 and the movie release.
Ghost in the shell.
Kishen Corps the whole set.
Salmander vol.1 anime. import
OutLanders anime.import.
Clockwork Orange import.
Full Metal Jacket.
Your Under Arrest 1&2
one of the Lone wolf in Cub lds,cant remember which right off hand.
Tetsuo the Iron Man.
very rare Hardware,rare scifi flick,not released on dvd.
Pet Sematary 2
Escape from LA
T2 complete boxset.
T2 special edition non-boxset.
Raped by a angel import LD
I have alot more then this,so youd prob have to ask me if I have a certain title on hand,but these are the most important ones I think for the most part.
all in all I have around 100-115 Lds,anyway,if you see anything you want,make me a offer,email at :  or
If you need to check to see if Im trustworthy,check my ebay id:
I have wonderful feedback as a seller and buyer.
If you need a extra ld player and would be willing to pay the shipping,I could probably help in that area too,I have 5 ld players in all.
anyway,trade wise Id take about any Turbografx/Pc-engine stuff,hardware or software.Any cd-decks have to work.Its a game scan have scratches as long as they are not excessive.Games/hardware does not have to be complete.That means i wont laugh if you offer up stuff without booklets or anything.Im a gamer/collecter,not a picky snob resell shop.The only thing I do not want is crap sports titles,so if youve got 5 of those John Maddens scds lying around,I hate to tell you this,but they will still be lying around.I hate sports games,unless its the dodgeball game by Technos,I dont want it.No Fire Pros either.6 Man scramble is about the only one worth playing anymore,and I dont play/collect saturn stuff anymore.anyway,Im sure you get the idea,no junk that sells on ebay for pennies on the dollar.Good LD stuff is rare,and great LDs even more so,and about everything I have is good to great.Some of the stuff I have is on the 100 most wanted on the Laser disc data base,or is very rare like Outlanders anime,which maybe only a few in the U.S. even have on LD,and mine is complete with spine strip.Anyway,Im open minded,make an offer