Dude, f*ck that.
Ensuring our safety doesn't mean damaging our goods we order. We pay for security, so the "GO TEAM AMERICA" idiots should have the decency to handle everything with the same care they would want their goods treated with. I'm sure cletus and jeb down at DHS wouldn't like it if their titty magazines and NRA patches showed up all messed up.
start writing letters and all of that.
sure its probably over the top but screw it. What do you have to lose?
I had this happen to me once when I ordered a package from Brazil. Only the DHS idiots didn't tape it up properly so the box opened up on the way to me and half the stuff ( Genesis games) were lost between DHS and my house.
I took that package straight to the post office and gave the throwdown.
want to know what the clerk said?
"You have to be shitting me. They did it AGAIN?!". They gave me all the insurance money back, free stamps, a candy bar (lol), and over the course of a month tracked all my missing games down in various states and shipped them to me free of charge.
So yeah. DHS is stupid.