**I had to fix your quote setup, since you dont know how to do it apparently. (Good thing you tried making me look stupid for not using Quote!)
Then LEARN it. Learn japanese as well. It'll make you look more intelligent,and it's a really easy task.
I can read/speak Spanish, and Japanese..... I already said I can about Japanese....
I think you just defined yourself and your buddies. Wanting everything for free,and not doing anything.
Not doing anything ? Dude I have a ton of PCE stuff seeding on some torrent sites for people. Not to mention another user here has sent free games to people.....
also... not doing anything? You see that big banner in my signature? It links to the PCE game Ive been working on that was originally to be a C64 game. So... not doing anything is a bit false here.
That all makes sense now.
You're just a boy. You only became an adult that year!!! Congrats! You can now drink beer and shave your beard. I'm pretty sure you even have some pubic hairs by now. Congrats.
I understand now, why you were so immature,and the only comments can make are insults.
Sweet kid.
You insult my age and maturity yet you act like a kid in highschool. My "insults" hold water in terms of the topic at hand. they have nothing to do with pubic hair, beard shaving, or any of that. You haven't denied or refuted anything I have said. Probably since you cant.
No. Members here,called another member a "selfish scrooge".
Those are the facts that started it all.
Selfish scrooge. Truth hurts.
Selfish: Wont share (Thibaut did that pretty good)
scrooge: rains on everyones parade (Thibaut did this also!)
I think it fits.
Then come. Prove it.
Waste of time. Wont accomplish anything. Im sure you will now feel extremely tough because your empty threat and demand that someone on the INTERNET come to your house OVERSEAS to prove something STUPID, has declined.
You were just kicked out out of that scene, don't try to justify yourself ^^
The little boy got kicked out.
the forum retro-link.com was started by another long standing C= member and a few friends who also got fed up. I was asked to help found it, and I did. So yeah, I sure was kicked out. Denial Vic-20 just recently had a bunch of a$$hole moderators de-modded due to their BS. One guy sold all his stuff. Another just threw stuff out and left. (Hes posted here once or twice) I left it all. im not banned. I can still post, go into IRC chats, and receive homestead mailing list crap from the C= community. I just attended a local C= convention, and posted recently anyways. Think I was kicked out all you want. It wont make it right, and you saying it again and again makes you look like an immature, clueless dope. you have no real argument so you resort to petty, obnoxious "YOU WERE KICKED OUT HAHAHA YOURE A LITTLE BOY LOL YOU GOT KICKED OUT" crap. Smooooooth. Do you put thumbtacks on peoples chairs in your court while youre playing Lawyer with the real grown ups?
Oh, that's right. you can't even understand another language than your native. Sorry for you
Oh thats right, I already said previously that I can. Two languages. A bit of some others too. (Serbian/German/an ounce of dutch)
Adol, if all you are going to do is throw up empty insults and make yourself look dumber and dumber with every post, Just leave. You aren't doing anything positive for PCEFX.com and all you're doing is pissing people off and making us have to post all these lengthy tolstoy-like responses just to expose your shenanigans.