Author Topic: WTB Spriggan, Sapphire and other PCE CD Goodness (prices adjusted)  (Read 196 times)

Shark Cannon

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Looking for a few CD games to finish off my collection.

I've been kind of out of the loop on current prices for some of these but if I don't get much interest I'll add some bounties.  For now please set your prices on what it will take for me to snatch it from your collection and place it in mine :)

Prices are what I had estimated them to be worth, if I'm off please let me know and I'll adjust it.
Double Dragon II  ($35)
Fausette Armor    ($70)
Kaze Kiri    ($70)
Nexzr Summer Carnival  (???)
Spriggan  ($40)
Sylphia    ($150)
Sapphire (Bootleg "2nd print" version is fine with me)  ($60 bootleg)

I am well aware that most of these are hard to find and quite sought after and am not expecting to get most of them on the cheap.  I'm extremely green on these boards but can provide a ton of feedback on other forums if requested.

« Last Edit: July 12, 2009, 08:40:14 AM by Shark Cannon »


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Re: WTB Spriggan, Sapphire and other PCE CD Goodness
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2009, 03:12:55 PM »
Well, I found a copy of Kaze Kiri on the Bay while I was looking for other stuff, if you're interested in it. It's $100 instead of $70.
