Author Topic: Arjak's BluRay Reviews  (Read 159 times)


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Arjak's BluRay Reviews
« on: May 14, 2010, 03:55:58 PM »
I recently got a PS3 and have been experimenting with BluRay, and I must say that I am quite impressed with the quality of both the video and sound quality. With an HDMI cable and a well done transfer to the new format, I must say that BluRay has slightly exceeded my expectations. Granted, it's not nearly as big a jump from DVD as DVD was from VHS, or VHS from "Please let there be a theatrical re-release!" for that matter, but I must say that it is still an improvement.

If you are curious about upgrading copies of your favorite movies from DVD to BD, let me tell you that BD players can also play DVDs, so unless you're a quality freak, you may wish to wait to upgrade. In this thread, I'll be looking at BluRays that I buy and tell you if it is worth it, depending on whether you have it on DVD already.

Let's begin with one of my favorite action movies:

Terminator 2 - Skynet Edition

So I put the disc in my PS3 for the first time, and after the obligatory downloading of data to the Hard Drive, I am immediately given a surprise. According to my television, Skynet (the sentient evil computer from the Terminator films) has located my ISP provider, and proceeds to show a nearby large city on a map, and give the current time and temperature there! I didn't know whether to laugh or freak out.

I'm not kidding. It's like Skynet was saying, "You better watch it!" Maybe I shouldn't have hooked the PS3 up to the internet... :wink:

After I get over the shock of that, I wait through the obligatory company logos that you always want to skip but the damn thing won't let you, and finally get to the menu. I go to "Select Version" to watch the film, and indeed, there are three options: Theatrical Version, Special Edition, and a secret entry that is locked with a code, although I have good reason to believe that it's just the so-called "Extended Special Edition" which is just the Special Edition with a deleted scene and alternate ending tacked on. I stuck with the good old Special Edition, the one I'm most familiar with.

After waiting through a few more logos, the film finally starts, and WOW! The picture and sound quality is nearly perfect! It's also really loud, like you're in the theater.

The next day, I decide to check out some special features. There are two audio commentaries; one from the DVD, dated 2003, and another that I can only assume is from a laserdisc because it's dated 1993, the same year the Special Edition came out. It's also got a trivia track, pop-up videos about the making of the film, the ability to read the script and see storyboards while the movie plays, theatrical trailers and the deleted scenes put back in for the E.S.E. You can also log on to Skynet and do stuff that I haven't explored yet. It looks like you can play chess against Skynet so you can teach it more about human decision making and strategy.

I think I'll save that for a rainy day when I really hate humanity. :twisted:

Worth Purchase?

If you don't have this on DVD, then the answer is an "F**k Yeah!" But if you do, I should warn you that I didn't see any documentaries about the making of the film like some of the better DVD releases. Still, I thought that the wonderful A/V quality and features that are both unique or from older releases made it worthwhile. Whatever you do, though, make sure you get the SKYNET EDITION. I believe there is also a bare-bones standard release, and that is NOT what you are looking for.

Final Rating: A- due to great presentation but lack of special features from certain DVD releases.
He who dings the Gunhed must PAAAAY!!! -Ninja Spirit


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Re: Arjak's BluRay Reviews
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2010, 11:40:58 AM »
I like to use HD Digest for Blu-Ray reviews, although as of late they are slow to getting new movies on there:
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