Opinions are opinions, everyone has one, everyone is entitled to one. But, what I was talking about Sinistron was the fact that it was legitimately private information. Peoples privacies were violated. Is it top secret government information, a threat to national security, or the spec of the Next iPhone.... no. But it was private none the less.
So, thats not a big deal? Even in this massive mess that is the internet, people are entitled to privacy, when the location they post in is private. So, how does such information find its way out? I don't know, I just know that the information was mentioned, I know who mentioned it. I addressed it in privacy and was set to leave it alone. But, as more information made its way from Frozen Utopia's "Private Forum" subtly on to these forums, I felt compelled to address the issue in the only way I felt I could, with my personal example of the privacy violation.
Are you right in being upset with the situation discussed? Yes, fully, its all been in poor taste. Is your point valid, it is. Is mine, I believe it is. Is the name calling necessary.... probably not.
Now as was mentioned before, can we get back on topic.... whatever it is by now.