Author Topic: Duo-R sound crackling/popping .  (Read 220 times)


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Duo-R sound crackling/popping .
« on: January 02, 2011, 07:37:31 AM »
HI there! this is my first post on this forum.
The other day i started my Duo-R to play Super Star Soldier and to my dismay there were some weird and annoying popping/crackling sounds in the audio. It was most obvious with the sampled drum sounds.
My duo-r never did that before. I checked other games and i found that the CD audio has no problem and chip tunes seem ok too. Problems appears to be with sampled sounds and some sound effects.

I started to search on the subject and that is how i found this forum, by finding this post :

It seems I have the exact same issue as this guy. I can see that the thread did not end up with a solution as it looks like the chap who started it could live with the problem. I CANT.

I must fix this it is unbearable. I ordered the Torx security bits to open my duo-r already and i plan to do a general check on capacitors as it seem that most sound problems on duos come from them.
I just wanted to inquire about the problem, to see if someone else has experienced this on a Duo-R and also if someone might have a lead as to where to start with this.
Ideas anyone ?

Thanks in advance and btw nice to meet you all folks. Its great to find such a knowledgeable and active nec console community. Long Live PCE !!