Just out of curiosity, does it matter which system card is used or does it act the same regardless?
That's a good question. I used the Arcade Card, which is the only system card I ever use playing CD games on the SuperGrafx. I have a System 3.0 card, however, I might give it a try some time and see if the results are the same. I imagine they would be, however: from what I read about the switch's functionality, it apparently just toggles mirroring of the system's VRAM on and off. Since the SGX has a second VDC, it has twice the VRAM of a Core or Duo. That said, the VRAM is part of the console's logic board and isn't affected by System Cards. The System Cards add DRAM for the CD-ROM to use, which is separate from VRAM and isn't affected by the switch.