some good points have been made about both systems. but i believe the caller who pointed out turbo grafx's lack of third party support and the fact noone ever took turbo to it's limit was definately on point.
the turbo grafx or turbo duo, for instance, needed a certain company to make a classic game(s) for the console, much like square and rare did for nintendo. hudson soft made the beautiful bomberman games, but i believe the turbo grafx, and listen to that name-TURBO-was a system perfect and built for shooters. therefore, it would have taken a certain third party company capable of pushing turbo grafx to its limit and i feel sunsoft would have been the ideal company to do just that.
blaster master would have been the perfect game for turbo grafx. nec obviously wanted a game like that, otherwise they wouldn't have made the similar kieth courage.
also, like turbo garfx in the united states, sunsoft made games which were superior, but for some reason underground. that is why the underground radioactive blasting hover vehicle would have been perfect for turbo. it was obviously not the best fit with segs. think about how sunsoft would have put all those colors to work.