As I've blabbed about in a few threads now, I found some old Duo catalogs from TZD. These catalogs feature game descriptions and some other interesting stuff (like price lists from BITD). Because I have three copies of one of the catalogs, I think it'd be really cool to mail one of the copies around for people to thumb through. Currently tggodfrey has the catalog, but when he's done with it he's offered to mail it to anyone who wants to see it. If you'd like to see the catalog, post a message in here and he'll ship it to you once he gets done looking at it.
A few ground rules:
1) I suppose this is really up to whoever has the catalog currently, but it would be cool if whoever has the catalog pays for shipping it to the next person.
2) Please respect the catalog. Yes I've got a couple other copies, but let's not ruin it for anyone else that would like to see it. Please be careful to avoid spilling beer/peeing on it if you can.
3) Please don't hang on to it for too long. It'd suck if someone just pocketed it, and I'll be pissed if I see it on ebay.
If anyone has access to a decent scanner, I'd love to see this scanned as well. Other than that, let's have fun with this! Spread the wealth! The catalog is one of the three that looks the same at the bottom of this photo (sorry, I'm too lazy to go take another pic of it).