Author Topic: Suggest retro arcade games for Arkhan (and others) to create for the PCE  (Read 2394 times)


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I added the "and others" to the title to make sure Arkhan doesn't feel TOO on the spot. I was just thinking lately that a Dig Dug clone for PCE could be awesome-tastic, and probably not too hard to generate graphics content for, given that the original game was VERY tile-based.
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Black Tiger

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Black Tiger!

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Black Tiger would rock, but, I think that's beyond the scope of the games he's porting.  I'm pretty sure he already made his final decisions quite some time ago.  Though, I think one of my suggestions didn't end up getting picked up, Venture!  I love running around as a giant happy face with a bow & arrow :D


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I just checked out Venture... looks pretty easy to remake, though obviously the original graphics and sound is hideously primitive...


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Hehe... how about Chiller? :)


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Donkey Kong Jr.

Moon Patrol

Either one would rock!
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Why not donkey kong or popeye (very funny) ???

« Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 10:59:33 PM by touko »


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and probably not too hard to generate graphics content for, given that the original game was VERY tile-based.

I would like to add this comment.... To me, this is never the problem. Heck I have a pile of original artwork (Tile work for a couple of games) lying around waiting to be turned into games. There is where the problem comes in.

Im sure the Arkhan can attest to the fact that, a simple game in appearance doesn't mean its simple in execution.

I could go whip up some tiles for a Dig Dug Port (Or better yet a Re-Imagining.... like what Arkhan is doing with Retrocade) in a day or two but Sprite design and Animation, Music and Sound FX design, not to mention coding, testing.... all make simply remaking games like this a big issue.

Honestly I would rather put time into original concepts than Rereleasing arcade titles. There is nothing wrong with doing these types of games though. As I think Retrocade will rock and not just because its sporting some of my work  :D

And again, Moon Patrol would be cool....
« Last Edit: June 27, 2011, 12:10:45 AM by lord_cack »
A dark tide will rise and she will walk again. He is coming.....


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I would love to see Contra, Super C or some other run n' gun type game.
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I'd also second Breakout.


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Venture is a really simple one to do.  Horribly simple.  There are never more than like 5 sprites at any given time.

I've still toyed around at the idea of it.  Its probably the easiest of all the games mentioned here to redo (except pong).

More thoughts for Venture popped in my head when I sat and pummeled the Intellivision version for a few hours.  It's one of my favorite Atari 2600 games, and I have fancied remaking it a few times now.

Hah, I sound like that idiot on GameMarx, only I won't be making things up and pretending I know stuff.

Since it was brought up again, I might as well add in that, if the currently planned stuff sees steady completion, I had planned for some possibilities:

Venture:  Because it's a sweet game, as Paranoia pointed out, and Exidy is awesome. They deserve some PCE mojo.
Wizard of Wor:  Because playing it at Cedar Point made me remember how fun that game is.  Though, I may pass on this in favor of:
POSSIBLY: Star Castle.  Yeah.  Stick that in your pipe and smoke it!  That game ruled.

As for Pong: Already planned, :)  I alluded to it (sort of) in that hucard demo video.  Its going to go with Multiplayer Asteroids, and the Light Cycle game (that I am facelifting graphically/soundally.  lol soundally).

Plus, pong is frikking easy.  like I just wrote Pong in my head while sneezing.  Ive also written Pong before, including one that had like 52 balls in play for no reason other than "hmmmm! I WONDER"

Robotron: I thought about this one, but the controls just wouldn't be the same.  Lack of 2 joysticks = :(  and then you'd be using a 2 button pad, and at that point you are basically playing Insanity on Hyper Mode.

Breakout: Didn't we have that already? Back in the hugo days? It lacked sound, but didn't we have that?!

Carnival:  This is an interesting idea. None of the games currentely in the Retrocade are ones that require timing/precision shooting.  Carnival was kind of fun.  Except for the Intellivision version.... hmm.

Popeye: What kind of theme would it have? I can't just yank Popeye straight up unless I want to be sued by spinach eating lawyers.

Donkey Kong / Jr:  Eh.  If I did do Donkey Kong, I would be sure to make the controls less stiff than the original, because that sucked.  Maybe.  If the current (and above mentioned stuff) gets done.  Jungle Hunt is a better platformer/rescue mission game though. 

As for Black Tiger: Well, the idea is to do pre-crash games, to bring something the PCE lacks which is classic arcade games.  The only non-precrash game we're doing is the Skate or Die 2 halfpipe, because man, that thing rules and could've been a pre-crash game!

My friend has a black tiger cab though.  and man is that thing fun. Maybe later.  The chiptunes would sound awesome.

I dunno if I mentioned it here , but I did mention it on (ok, well, on .   The PHP thing gooned up and stopped pulling my posts from there into's news page and I didn't fix it yet.),

I will be taking a programming/fiddling around break until like July 10th.  Insanity X and the CCAG stuff burned me out slightly.  I needs me some more Neptunia.  I may poke at a few things, but I will be taking a break.

but, Retrocade is gonna to keep on keepin' on. My phantom programmer army (1 other person, possibly a second person too), probably won't be taking a break.

I fixed the parallax sprite clipping issues in Atlantean and knocked the sprite count down and got that thing working nice.  Next up is all of the controls/shooting for the Dolphindroid.  The fact that this isn't a Defender cabinet means shooting is going to require careful planning and testing so that its as rapid fire action style as Defender. 

I have more leads/ideas for the almighty AbCard.   Yes, the AbCard.  That's what I am calling the HuCards.

July should see some more updates/things to show for Retrocade. 

Also: As Lord_cack pointed out, some things that seem simple, are not simple once you get into them.  case in point: Berzerk.  "It's from 1980 how hard could it be?" <<< I said that. lol

[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Though it'll never happen Id love to see an epic multi disc rpg / shooter.  Like have scrolling shooter sections and walk around rpg type areas.  Maybe have your ship upgradeable / replaceable.  All the while having some epic struggle against an ultimate evil.

Ok im done :mrgreen:

And that's not really an arcade title like the topic title states... :oops:
« Last Edit: June 27, 2011, 04:40:40 AM by BlueBMW »
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


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Wow, that would be epic.  Sounds kind of like Final Lap Twin, but with shmuping instead of racing.  Love it!


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Though not exactly a full fledged remake, me and Tom whipped a quick and simple Pong demo for Turbo Fest. Thread here. I wanted to expand on it more, like have a four player mode and some neat graphic effects during heat of the moment action.

I'm probably the only one interested in this idea, but I would love to see Insector X on the Turbo. Not a straight arcade port, but one that combines the backgrounds and gameplay from the arcade version with the music and sprites of the Genesis.
Quote from: Bonknuts
Adding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).