nice ones rolf

somehow I would like to revolutionize that whole bead thingens.
1. renctangle instead of round formed beads
2. a true selection of original 8-/16-bit color schemes/palette according the preferred systems f.e. NES, PCE, MD, SFC, even Arcade etc. (any colors available on demand -> special orders etc.)
3. holes only on the back side -> will be tricky for the bonding i know, therefore..
4. glueable from the back -> when the picture is finished, a temporary harden glue sheet will be put over front to hold the beads together. the beads then can be swapped to the back and will be fixed together again with a permanent and strong gluesheet. the temp. gluesheet then can be removed and the front gets a clear glue paint job over the whole surface.
..or so.