Wow, great job!
You guys got a place where you are selling these at? 
I've thought some about trying to sell them, but I can't imagine anyone wanting to pay what it would cost to make these worthwhile for me.

I see people selling similar bead art sprites on etsy and ebay for $5-10 apiece and I don't know how they do it. Maybe because they are sticking to smaller sprites with a lower color count and can sell a lot of them, but I can't imagine hordes of people picking these up.
And I spend an absurd amount of time working these out in Photoshop before I even sit down to assemble them.
Plus, I have to keep a ton of different colors on hand. For the zombie above, I ran out of 2 colors and had to improvise in a couple of areas, but that means I've got to go out and buy 2 more colors (at least) to do any more of them.
If I knew I could crank out a lot of these and knew they'd sell, I'd do it in a heartbeat, because it's fun and somewhat relaxing. But for the time being, I think I'll keep doing them as gifts and just for the fun of it.