Sooooo....essentially what most are saying is that we should simply have no reference at all because it might not be perfect? I should just come here an start a thread or PM people every time i have a question about prices? That's just ridiculous.
No, you're using a straw man and jumping on the weakest part of the argument. If that was the only reason, yes, it would be stupid not make a list.
Since you missed it, Black Tiger's main points are
1) "[P]ro-price guide people refuse to accept decent, non-raping values that most people either do get the games for or would only pay for them." They "dismiss reasonable prices as fantasy."
2) Price guides don't reflect what most people are willing to pay for a game.
3) People don't know how to read guides because they aren't familiar with the hobby and/or ignore the grading info and read the guide in the way that benefits them most.
His first-person account of working in a collectibles shop is also very compelling.
My main points:
* Most of the guys in favor of making a list base too much of it on ebay prices, which are currently insane...
* The list in turn legitimizes the prices asked by ebay parasites.
* The list also becomes the new rock-bottom price, creating fewer good deals here on the forums and other non-ebay markets.
Sign of Zeta:
"Most of the time people interested in price guides are either sellers or people who get a thrill from reading something that says their collection is valuable. Price guides are not famous for keeping prices low, just the opposite. "
"A price guide, ESPECIALLY in the case of the Turbo, will only have a detrimental effect on the market. The market is in bad enough shape as it is right now, we don't need a "price guide" enabling these gougers."
But too many people...believe that what they are paying is the true value of a game and too many people refuse to evAR lose money on their "investments".
Quoted for truth.
Consider these examples of price-list ignorance/investment arrogance that were recently added to the Hall of Shame (emphasis added):
I looked around and those ebay prices [for Beyond Shadowgate] aren't far away from the ones on racketboy (the only place I could find with solid pricing), so considering that article is from last year I'd say there's amazingly non-insane.
How about $255 shipped?
I left my references behind on pricing because it's f*cking true, dickwad. I only have two sources I found for pricing. Show me somewhere else that it's listed with a price and I'd have considered adjusting.
Am I supposed to take your word when you offer me $100 for a game I clearly see listed and selling for $200+?...
Values on shit change.
If you guys must know, I bought this [Beyond Shadowgate] for $160 a couple years back, so I could only assume it went up in value as it got older and more obscure.
This is a perfect example: the guy paid a lot for a game because he was impatient, didn't realize that half of his $160 was "buying time" (as BT explains), loved to look up the game in price guides and masturbate over its imagined worth, assumed its value went up drastically in the 1-3 years since he bought it and the racketboy article was printed, refused to take a loss, and dismissed the price quotes of 6-7 forums members as fantasy.
People buy at any price because they don't want to wait + they refuse to "take a loss" = prices skyrocket.
And on the flip side, since I need to repeat everything for you, fewer good deals are found the more prices are codified and advertised.
Consider this sale by gamedoctorhk:
I don’t know anything about gamedoctorhk, but his prices on both the website and ebay are generally consistent with other BIN sellers. However, some things slip under his radar. His "recent items for July" box still shows some sold-out items:
XE-1 HE Pro joystick - $18
1941 - $69
These are two great deals amid a website of pretty inflated prices. He comes around here occasionally to advertise and would no doubt notice if we had a price list. I'm not saying that we should promote ignorance so that we can rip people off - he or anyone else can always ask what a fair price is and we'll answer - but appraising is part of being a seller. We're a community of gamers first, collectors second, and sellers a distant third. It's in our interest to be able to find a good deal once in a while and it's not our job to etch prices in stone and educate every lurking ebay seller and price gouger.