I actually enjoyed the video. I am a big fan of the N64, and pre ordered mine, then stood in line on release day to get it. But, overall, I have to say it kinda let me down with the games. There are some VERY good games on the system, that I really enjoy, so dont get me wrong. I just felt they could have done much better. Some of my favorites from the system were, Mario 64, Turok, Shadowgate 64, OoT, Mortal Kombat, Resident Evil 2, the Cruisin series, and a handful of others. I did NOT enjoy Majoras Mask at all, for the same reasons stated in the video. I thought it was kinda lame actually... Anyway, thanks for another great video. I actually seen a few games played in it, that I never thought to buy.
So, its off to add to my 64 collection.