Joe mentioned twice about Gamesack coming to an end, is that a scheduled thing or was he just joking?
I think in the contex of the video it is a joke.
My predictions of the "future" of game sack?
I think they will rebrand under one company with their YouTube friends/partners in the "Final Boss" domain they have.
In part to combine viewers and make more ad money.
But I believe the following may also be a factor
1). They won't be under YouTube fair use thumb.
2). They can better promote and advertise their content, merch, and annual appearances to conventions. Thus allowing better content for their videos as well. Like when Game Chaser went to Norway for a game convention along with Pat the NES Punk
3). Videos could be longer (granted on average you already make 20-30 minute videos. How much longer could they be?).
This is all pulled out of my ass. And in part what I might do. Granted I do not preten to know how the business end of content creators on YouTube and such work. Let alone on a seperate site that you have to pay server space to house your videos.