Author Topic: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots  (Read 6215 times)

Black Tiger

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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #120 on: August 26, 2011, 06:00:24 AM »
"People interested in bootlegs aren't looking to play a version of a game, they want to play the english Turbo version on real hardware.

Dynastic Hero is also available elsewhere, is easily obtainable with better packaging and most people consider the Genesis vetsion to be superior. I agree with you, but other people want these bootlegs for different reasons.

In response to you next post, most of the games we are talking about here are still commercially available. If we were talking about this five+ years ago it would be a different story..."

Then i'll send you $12 for the game and shipping and you can send me your copy then download it on your Wii since they are equivalent.

I'm still using mine, but here you go-

If you're talking specifically about Turbo/PCE and not the "elsewhere" Arkan meant (other platforms), which I was responding to, I only have one copy of the PCE version which I play (why pay $300+ for a few lines of text?). But you can probably buy your own copy off of eBay for less than you are offering.

I prefer to play games on real hardware.

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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #121 on: August 26, 2011, 06:44:43 AM »
Dynastic Hero gets my vote though all the games on the list would be great too


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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #122 on: August 26, 2011, 07:24:01 AM »
I was referring to M&M3.  Taking that example and generalizing it for a game like Dynastic Hero makes no sense.

Everyone knows the PCE one is better. If they disagree, pfsht.  lrn2obey.
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #123 on: August 26, 2011, 07:53:22 AM »
Here is my reason for not wanting to spend a ridiculous amount on M&M3 summed up in one link:

Why spend several hundred dollars on one game in the series when you can get the first six, including the one in question for ten bucks!?

It's called logic. It can be a quite helpful concept sometimes. :P
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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #124 on: August 26, 2011, 08:16:23 AM »
Logic is all well and good, and I don't disagree that there are about 5-6 Turbo games (most of them in my sig) that go for ludicrous prices. However, many people (myself included) are trying to have a complete collection of U.S. Turbografx-16/Turbo Duo games. So the fact that I can get the first handful of M&M games for under $10 on a different system is pretty irrelevant.

Anyway, like I said earlier, I would take any one of these games as boots just to have as placeholders until I can either afford the real thing or find the real thing for a somewhat reasonable price. 
Games I Need: Bonk 3 (HuCard), Legend of Hero Tonma, Magical Chase, Soldier Blade, Super Air Zonk.

Got one to sell? PM me!


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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #125 on: August 26, 2011, 09:08:11 AM »
I do understand your viewpoint, jlued, and if it's a complete U.S. collection that you desire, that's different. However, as far as people who just want to play the games, Turbo or not, I believe my option works better in that regard.

I understand the collector's motive; after all, I'm a bit of a collector myself. However, since I am also a gamer, and not enough of a hardcore collector to desire every release ever, I personally prefer the option I gave in my previous post. For me, it's the love of the game that drives me more, not the collector mentality, so I prefer the six-games-for-ten-dollars option. Still, to each their own.
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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #126 on: August 26, 2011, 09:41:58 AM »
I getcha. Turbo is the only console that I'm trying to collect for, so it's a bit of a different situation for me. My favorite console, the one I have the most fond memories of, etc. Believe me, if it wasn't for that, I wouldn't even consider tracking down some of these games.
Games I Need: Bonk 3 (HuCard), Legend of Hero Tonma, Magical Chase, Soldier Blade, Super Air Zonk.

Got one to sell? PM me!


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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #127 on: August 26, 2011, 09:48:34 AM »
I agree with this, for the most part. My biggest problem with bootlegging music in particular is that it takes money out of the artists' pockets, and discourages them from creating new music in the future.

Just look at what has happened to the music industry over the past 15 years....

I'm actually mostly very happy with what has happened with music in the last 15 years. It's much less top down that it was during the 20th century. There will never be a other Black Album...but so what? The Black Album not only sucked, but it's massive success destroyed a band that seemed to be the most promising metal act of all time.

The budgets record companies have to devote to making multi-millionare superstars out of talentless shitheads are almost gone. The music itself is at least as good as it's ever been. If you can't find the great music that's coming out almost every day need to look harder. (Pro tip: it isn't on TV or the radio).

The idea that good music can't be made without massive record companies (that were only passing down %2 in royalties to  the actual artists) is preposterous. Its also insulting to the many great musicians who put out music independently of that system.

None of this has anything to do with games though since games, especially modern high end ones, are almost impossible to self publish. You can't make Madden 2012 in a garage.

Someday you have to let go. A picture of the Mona Lisa can be easily found on the Internet for zero charge. I'm sure someone thinks that's taking money out of someones pocket, but...tough shit.


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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #128 on: August 26, 2011, 10:10:09 AM »
too true zeta.
most of what i have sought in music in the last several years is low/no budget produced at home with your comp.
the industry left the people, not the other way around by pushing drugs/gang/killing music <--I use the term loosely. while ignoring what we want to hear.


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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #129 on: August 26, 2011, 12:44:52 PM »
I was referring to M&M3.  Taking that example and generalizing it for a game like Dynastic Hero makes no sense.

Everyone knows the PCE one is better. If they disagree, pfsht.  lrn2obey.

I have to agree.  I have played 3 different ports of M&M III.  The PC, Super NES, and Turbo Duo.  I felt that the Duo version was by far the best.  The games arent exactly the same either.  There are slight differences, such as the ability to have hirelings in your party, ect..  Graphics for the Duo version were, IMO, better as well. Too bad it wont be seeing a bootleg release.  Hell, maybe it will some day.  Its actually something I would consider looking into if I knew how to go about it. 


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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #130 on: August 26, 2011, 04:35:19 PM »
too true zeta.
most of what i have sought in music in the last several years is low/no budget produced at home with your comp.
the industry left the people, not the other way around by pushing drugs/gang/killing music <--I use the term loosely. while ignoring what we want to hear.

Well, a couple of things happened.

First off, it wasn't until the mid-20th century that people actually started buying into the idea that rock and roll bands should be richer than God. The best guitar player on Earth in 1650 was probably living off whatever sort of monitory donation could fit into his hat. Despite this, music was probably even more valuable to people back then. Therefore, I consider the whole concept of music being highly profitable, or maybe even sustainable as a full time job, to be a historical aberration. If Aesop Rock can hold a day job then shitheads like Jay Z sure as hell better be able to.

Then there is the act of recording itself that has changed. In 1970 you actually did need full time engineers and expensive studios and such to make something like Sgt Pepper. Nowadays...not so much. What can be done at home on $5000 worth of gear is incredible. "Studio time" was once a huge thing, largely in the hands of labels, now its barely even relevant.

Another thing: there is more dumb shit to spend your money on. The service plan for an iPhone is $100 a month. That's money that would have gone towards music in the old days. Then we have Gameboy, cable TV, video games, etc...there is only so much money to go around, and the other stuff evidently seems more worth paying for these days.

Another huge factor was the ever increasing drive of corporate greed. In 1980, when I was a little kid first building by collection of singles, labels would actually market singles, and singles themselves made money. By the 90s singles were greatly de-de-emphesized. Some bands can make a great single and disappear forever (see: most of the Motown roster) some excel at albums (Genesis, Pink Floyd, Weird All), and both sorts of acts have their place in the world. The labels just wanted to sell albums though since that meant more revenue. By making singles almost totally unavailable they would force you to buy the entire album. If this was an album from The Cure that's not such a bad thing. If this is an album from Jennifer just paid $16 for 14 songs you hate and one you like. The push to fill all 80 minutes of a CD didn't help either. That's asking a LOT from even the best performers. All that filler may make the album seem like a better deal, but Unknown Pleasures is only 39:24 and every year a new batch of teenagers discover how great this record is.

So into this clusterf*ck enters Napster, or Kazaa, or Bit Torrent, or whatever, and the labels are instantly f*cked. The majors weren't making this music available to us, they were holding it ransom. If a 13 year old has a choice between spending his month's free money on a Smashmouth CD that he only wants because of one song, and downloading it for free and spending that money to see whatever shitty Disney Movie features that song, then the choice is clear. If the label wanted that money, they should have sold him just the song he wanted for $4.

Now with iTunes we can (usually) buy the songs one at a time, but the problem is that the bands the labels have been promoting the most heavily for the past 20 years are singles acts. They keep selling old Beatles songs because they have no idea who the next Beatles are, and they don't want to spend the money and time finding them or the culture to support them. They've turned music into such a low buck commodity there is no wonder people don't want to pay for it.


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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #131 on: August 26, 2011, 04:37:18 PM »
I was referring to M&M3.  Taking that example and generalizing it for a game like Dynastic Hero makes no sense.

Everyone knows the PCE one is better. If they disagree, pfsht.  lrn2obey.

I have to agree.  I have played 3 different ports of M&M III.  The PC, Super NES, and Turbo Duo.  I felt that the Duo version was by far the best.  The games arent exactly the same either.  There are slight differences, such as the ability to have hirelings in your party, ect..  Graphics for the Duo version were, IMO, better as well. Too bad it wont be seeing a bootleg release.  Hell, maybe it will some day.  Its actually something I would consider looking into if I knew how to go about it. 

I can't understand why anyone would spend money on a fake thing like this. The only reason M&M3 is so desirable is because its OMG R@RE. If you actually just want to play it, burn a copy. A high end fake version of something makes no sense.


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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #132 on: August 26, 2011, 05:33:14 PM »
You could make madden in a garage.  That game blows.
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #133 on: August 26, 2011, 06:01:15 PM »
you could have designed the apple computer in one too


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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #134 on: August 26, 2011, 08:42:42 PM »
You could make madden in a garage.  That game blows.

The legal team needed to make Madden wouldn't fit in a garage.

I dont like Madden, I absolutely hate football, but millions of man hours go into that POS series. Way more than have ever gone into any rock album (except Chinese Democracy, of course).