Author Topic: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots  (Read 6218 times)


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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #210 on: January 29, 2012, 03:32:22 AM »
You're fooling yourself. We're living in a dictatorship.
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Not from some farcical aquatic ceremony?


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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #211 on: January 29, 2012, 04:00:11 AM »
If I went around claiming I owned SFZ because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd lock me up.
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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #212 on: January 29, 2012, 04:02:55 AM »
Are these just going to be in the CD format?


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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #213 on: January 29, 2012, 04:14:44 AM »
I can't think of any other format they'd be in (pressed, NOT burned). Talk to Arkhan at Aetherbyte if you're interested in reproduced Hus. Please LMK if I'm misunderstanding your question.

Zeta, the only problem with SFZ is all the extra production work. Dynastic I can virtually do by myself. I can't do all the graphic design and ROM patching work for SFZ. (I don't know how to do a lot of that stuff, and between my job and my post-grad work, I'm not sure where I'll find time to learn.)

I could do the 6 existing "rare" SCDs I own, and it sounds like the pressing price would be cheap. I can swing $600 to $700 per run until I make back cost. (Come to think of it, I have two friends, both within 2 hours of me, that have the other 4 rare SCDs)

Even beyond SFZ, I don't have originals of Xak 3 and Startling Odyssey 2. I don't have access to the booklets, or inserts, or any of the graphics. The Ys 4 is the most tempting of all (for me personally - my very first import ever. I was 14.). But with Xseed virtually guaranteed to pick it up for Vita this year (and sweet Jesus I can't wait), that might really run into problems. Plus with games like Xak and Ys, the translators are around here somewhere, are't they? I guess I'd have to contract for royalties.

And BTW Zeta, you have no idea how much I'd LOVE to drag down the overpricing on those ten games. (Didn't this convo start on a price gouging thread anyway?)
« Last Edit: January 29, 2012, 04:18:34 AM by jayamine »
The sequel to Splatter House should be called Circle Jerk.


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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #214 on: January 29, 2012, 04:39:12 AM »
This point may have been made already, but I would suggest pressing games that we know for certain haven't been released on these newer consoles. As much as I would love to see Cotton and Bonk 3 (just look at the ebay prices on these bad boys, 200-400 dollars good lord) make it to the presser, these games most certainly have semi recent ports done to them and could result in a Cease and Desist order. Speaking of the above, I believe Beyond Shadowgate hasn't gotten a modern port, so that may be something to shoot for.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2012, 04:41:13 AM by BigusSchmuck »


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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #215 on: January 29, 2012, 04:51:25 AM »
Yes answerd my question. I was wondering if it was just cd or hucard was going to be made.


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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #216 on: January 29, 2012, 05:45:07 AM »
Bigus, quit discouraging me. I'm trying to build up my courage to commit illegal acts that will make me a hero among the Turbo community. Anyway, they can't cease and desist me if the stock is already dispersed. At that point, they can fine me. Anyway, I figure I'll get as far as the pressing company, and I'll be shot down there.

Now here's an idea. How would everyone feel about Beyond Shadowgate in a single disc jewel case? It would come with out the (ugly) poster. There'd be no way to confuse it with the original then.

By the way Bigus, is your name a reference to Life of Brian?
The sequel to Splatter House should be called Circle Jerk.


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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #217 on: January 29, 2012, 06:23:29 AM »

Zeta, the only problem with SFZ is all the extra production work. Dynastic I can virtually do by myself. I can't do all the graphic design and ROM patching work for SFZ. (I don't know how to do a lot of that stuff, and between my job and my post-grad work, I'm not sure where I'll find time to learn.)

Someone, I think it was maybe Necromancer, has already worked on SFZ. Maybe it was earlier in this thread? Anyway, you are over-thinking this. You don't need to make a 32 page instruction book with original art or anything. Just make...something. Any number of people here would be glad to make a PDF for you.

Even beyond SFZ, I don't have originals of Xak 3 and Startling Odyssey 2. I don't have access to the booklets, or inserts, or any of the graphics. The Ys 4 is the most tempting of all (for me personally - my very first import ever. I was 14.). But with Xseed virtually guaranteed to pick it up for Vita this year (and sweet Jesus I can't wait), that might really run into problems. Plus with games like Xak and Ys, the translators are around here somewhere, are't they? I guess I'd have to contract for royalties.

You don't need originals, just have someone send you the ISOs. I'm not sure if you know this but bit-for-bit perfect archives of every single PCE/TG game ever have been available on the internet for years, even the fully patched and translated stuff. All ripping the games yourself is going to do is introduce the possibility of error.

And as for paying the translators...I appreciate your enthusiasm for this project, I really really do, but you still don't get it. You don't pay the translators shit. You don't even contact them. You need as few people involved as possible, nobody is allowed compensation whatsoever (including yourself, I'd aim to break slightly less than even). You will always be a thief, but you should be out for the appendix, not the kidneys, and if you can do it without them even knowing, all the better.

The goal should be to bang these f*ckers out, distribute them, and then end the project with as few people involved, and as little paper trail as possible.

BTW, I see that Cotton is starting to creep into this conversation. This makes NO SENSE to me at all. There are many copies of this game in the PCE version, all of which are legit products, and they are reasonably priced. The PCE version has full English narration too, so the bootleg would just be senseless piracy. Bootleg something worth bootlegging and stop getting hung up on the pathetically small US library with its bad dubs and horrendous cover art. If you are out to just make something great more available, It makes a lot more sense to pirate something like Nexzr, which is way better than Cotton and also way more expensive. IMO the scene needs something like the Sapphire release, and not just a cheaper version of a game that sucks just because its overpriced on eBay. Think "desert island discs" here. If you could only have 5 Turbo games, would Bonk 3 CD actually be one of them? I f*cking hope not.


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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #218 on: January 29, 2012, 06:28:33 AM »
Bigus, quit discouraging me. I'm trying to build up my courage to commit illegal acts that will make me a hero among the Turbo community.

He's not discouraging, just giving a different way to go.   Plus if you're only doing this for being a "hero in the Turbo community", doesn't seem to be the best reason....
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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #219 on: January 29, 2012, 10:29:05 AM »
I can't think of any other format they'd be in (pressed, NOT burned). Talk to Arkhan at Aetherbyte if you're interested in reproduced Hus. Please LMK if I'm misunderstanding your question.

Zeta, the only problem with SFZ is all the extra production work. Dynastic I can virtually do by myself. I can't do all the graphic design and ROM patching work for SFZ. (I don't know how to do a lot of that stuff, and between my job and my post-grad work, I'm not sure where I'll find time to learn.)

I could do the 6 existing "rare" SCDs I own, and it sounds like the pressing price would be cheap. I can swing $600 to $700 per run until I make back cost. (Come to think of it, I have two friends, both within 2 hours of me, that have the other 4 rare SCDs)

Even beyond SFZ, I don't have originals of Xak 3 and Startling Odyssey 2. I don't have access to the booklets, or inserts, or any of the graphics. The Ys 4 is the most tempting of all (for me personally - my very first import ever. I was 14.). But with Xseed virtually guaranteed to pick it up for Vita this year (and sweet Jesus I can't wait), that might really run into problems. Plus with games like Xak and Ys, the translators are around here somewhere, are't they? I guess I'd have to contract for royalties.

And BTW Zeta, you have no idea how much I'd LOVE to drag down the overpricing on those ten games. (Didn't this convo start on a price gouging thread anyway?)

Just go with Dicount Chang's pressing factory, & all will be as right as rain. Just ask Arky, he highly recomends them!  BTW, howdee do, who are the Britain's, my name is Dennis, & I'm 37!  Oh, & there's some lovely filth over here!

Anyways, one idea I had if you go thru with this, is to shrink the artwork a bit on everything, just have a border around the artwork on the manual, the cd, etc.  As Zeta said, I wouldn't make things look ugly, but yeah, you deffinitly want it to look signifacantly different from the real thing.

Yeah, it's Necro, & there's some guys working on more tunes for SFZ.  I don't have any time to help in that regard at the moment, since I'm knee deep in Jungle Bros., & it has quite a large soundtrack.....partially due to the way I'm planning it.  In hindsight, I've had thoughts on how to keep the number of tracks down, to atleast make sure I don't hold up the train on this one.  Anyways, it may be awhile on the SFZ music front unless me or Arky(I think he offered to help as well) have more time, so I would hold off on SFZ.

On Ys 4, I would also hold off, not so much cuz of Xseed & Ys Celeta: Sea of Tree's, I don't really think it'll be a problem.  I mean heck, this Ys 4 is going to be quite different from the previous 3 released games.  There will obviously be alot of the same characters & locations, but, I just can't imagine Xseed caring.  Ofcoarse, I could always ask one of the employee's there that I kind of know.  See what his thoughts are on that(he's a HUGE Ys fan, & I know he'd love to have a US version of DoY pressed as well).  But, there's still the chance of an english dub. 

Xak 3, AFAIK, is totally done.  There is no voice acting IIRC.  I didn't play thru it much, I consider the original game...kinda buggy personally.

Ofcoarse, I'm not telling you what to do, this is just mindless ramblings from ..........something something, blah, etc.


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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #220 on: January 29, 2012, 11:24:17 AM »
Bigus, quit discouraging me. I'm trying to build up my courage to commit illegal acts that will make me a hero among the Turbo community. Anyway, they can't cease and desist me if the stock is already dispersed. At that point, they can fine me. Anyway, I figure I'll get as far as the pressing company, and I'll be shot down there.

Now here's an idea. How would everyone feel about Beyond Shadowgate in a single disc jewel case? It would come with out the (ugly) poster. There'd be no way to confuse it with the original then.

By the way Bigus, is your name a reference to Life of Brian?

You guessed it. :P Hell, finding a copy of Beyond Shadowgate these days let alone a gouged version has been a challenge. I'm really not trying to discourage you, I'm merely pointing out a pirated press of a game that is 20 years old and hasn't been ported onto new consoles you'll have almost 0 risk invovled pressing it. For an example, the company ICOM is completely gone as they ceased operations in 1997.
BTW, someone really should port over the DOS version of that old Monty Python game to the PCE. ^^


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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #221 on: January 29, 2012, 12:42:37 PM »
Speaking of ICOM, it would appear that Wikipedia states that ICOM's game portfolio is currently owned by Infinite Ventures. Perhaps I missed something, but they don't seem to still exist either. Who might own the rights to ICOM's games now? If nobody holds them, perhaps it might be even more possible for Beyond Shadowgate to be pressed without legal trouble. Anyone wish to chime in?


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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #222 on: January 29, 2012, 02:18:07 PM »
Yeah I've played all the fan patches except Startling Odyssey (didn't realize it was actually finished).

Bigus, I want to ask about your wife, but I'm afraid you're married in real life ... and I don't accidentally want to throw insults around. (I was being facetious about the "discouraging" part. Pity text messages don't carry much context :-D )

For you guys in the UK, I'm doing distance studies through UEL and I might be there in person for a few weeks in May (just before they shut down for the Olympics). Don't know how far away from London any of you are though.

A Bonk 3 CD just went for $180 and a Super Zonk just went for $245 on everyone's favorite website today. That's what should be illegal.
The sequel to Splatter House should be called Circle Jerk.


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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #223 on: January 31, 2012, 05:13:48 AM »
I don't care about the game you choose but please, I want a copy. All options seems great to me


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Re: Prospect of Making Some OMG RAREZ! Game Boots
« Reply #224 on: January 31, 2012, 05:19:59 AM »
lol, the pressing company doesn't even have the means to test the games.  I doubt US pressing houses have a Turbo Grafx-16 CD unit

and I doubt they'd have any idea about it anyways.  They won't know.  Let's be real here. 
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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