I don't like the idea of making pressed copies of these US releases, in particular Dynastic Hero. The PCE counterparts of these games are cheap and it is not necessary to know english to get through these games. Not to mention you can play the Genesis version in english as well. If you can get through Bikkurimanworld without know Japanese, you can definitely finish Dynastic Hero as well.
Again, I'm personally only interested in prototypes and translations, BUT I see merit in Dynastic Hero and some of the others.
U.S. candidates blow by blow:
Dynastic Hero
This is the most expensive U.S. CD for crying out loud. It's up there with the most expensive PCE titles. It's so expensive that sane people will never buy it. Yes, one can muck through the import version, but there's enough text in this game that it's pretty nice to be able to read. When I only had the PCE version I got stuck in the first town because I didn't know I was supposed to press "up" in a certain spot to go talk to the fairy. I have no qualms telling those interested in Super Air Zonk to go fly a kite and buy the fully-playable import, but I really like to get the full experience when I'm playing a non-linear, pseudo-RPG with a storyline and shops. I don't like depending on walkthroughs. And I really hate people suggesting that I go play Genesis or Virtual Console. I don't play those systems. I have one game for my Genesis - Warriors of the Eternal Sun. Unlike kids these days I don't dive into a different console every six mouths. I have only bought one non-NEC system (a 3DO) in the last fourteen years. I'm a TurboGrafx gamer; that's why I ponied-up and bought Dynastic Hero.
Super Air Zonk
1) The game sucks.
2) It's a shooter and there's no text - go play the import.
Beyond Shadowgate + MMIII
The first wasn't released in Japan, the second requires reading. I don't put much stock in ebay prices and maybe these games aren't really that expensive, but it's fair to say that both titles have become a whole hell of a lot harder to find in the last two years.