All Turbo/PCE games can be easily obtained and played on a computer as well and many can be purchased for Virtual Console, etc.
Oh, I didn't know every PCE game was ported to DOS. My bad!
I meant this, lol. The full boxed PC game. Complete.
and I meant it mostly for M&M3 only because its not a PCE exclusive and it didn't originate on the PCE either.
and it plays far better on the PC anyways..
I guess I don't see the point in wasting time / resources bootlegging a game like Might and Magic III that was released elsewhere with better packaging and is obtainable... when we have games like Space Fantasy Zone that were never released.
Or PCE/TG exclusives that are retardedly expensive because of the big money gouging pole smokers. Like Dynastic Hero.
SFZ seems like the best choice since it would be the PCE community producing a PCE game that was never officially released, and making sure its done right. If it works, we can always do this again for another game.
If it doesn't work out well enough to encourage another run with another game, it'll be a good thing we did it on a game that counts.