10 levels sounds about right. However, I noticed that every level uses the same song. There seem to be 2 version's of Opa Opa used, & each level alternates which version it uses. From what I recall, there are no other level tracks, so, we'd deffinitly need more, & coding I'm sure would be required to add more audio tracks to the game, unless Necro just wants to stick to the 2 alternate level tracks? Plus there's the issue of the other tracks that end early. Some of them could just be looped, & then faded out. But there were a few that are short lil' tunes that are more.....unique(for lack of a better word), & I don't have any clue on how they could be fixed, other then someone recomposing them. If someone did that, it'd be nice to find similar sounds on their synth/tracker/etc. to blend in.