Oh. My. GOD! You guys aren't going to believe this one, or maybe some of you will.
So I finally get a response from Brian today. Good news! He's supplied a UPS tracking number and it's set to arrive at my house when I got home from work!
Sure enough, I get home and there's a package sent to "Frozen Utopia" sitting on the table. Woo boy, I'm excited! Just a few test runs and we can finally get this baby mass produced!
I rush to pop the disc into my Turbo Duo. It says "Project: Mysterious" on the see-through case and CD face; our beloved project finally on a professional medium! The system is turned on, the screen demands for the RUN button to be pressed. Controller in hand, my thumbs waste no time to boot the game up.
The vanish of the System Card screen is accompanied by a familiar BUZZZT! sound. I recognized this sound right away, which is discussed many pages back in this very thread. "Darn, oh well. Guess that's unavoidable, I can live with it," I assure myself. The CD continues to load...
And then comes the horror! Horrible, horrid, horror! Rather than the Frozen Utopia logo appearing as it's supposed to, I get a surprise greeting from AETHERBYTE STUDIOS!
That's right, those jackasses sent me INSANITY instead of OUR OWN game!
At first I laughed and said "You HAVE to be kidding me!" But then the terrible reality sunk into my mind. Not only will this delay our cursed game even further, but this means Nationwide may yet again run into the same stamper problem when we ask for a new check disc, leaving the "it won't play in our PC" cycle to repeat.
But in the hopes that they are able to replicate a check disc for Mysterious Song, and not Insanity, I refuse to pay them any further dollars for their own f*ck up.
I wish this was a sick practical joke. I'll take some pictures later.