Yikes, hold the champaign. Our Turbo train has derailed once again:
"Good morning Keelan,
I was out all day yesterday.
Here is the latest information I received from our replication department.
We have tried many various ways to read these discs but the format is unusual and we keep getting uncorrectable errors on the transitions. I have to say that we can’t do this format.
It seems this master is able to work on a CDR, but the way it is formatted does not allow a stamper to be made for replication. Candidly if the stamping department cannot get a stamper from the master(s) provided, it’s safe to say no one can.
Let us know how you wish to proceed
Keelan, my apologies but at this time we are not able to replicate with the masters provided.
At this point all the print is completed and ready for the discs. But we can not complete the job without the masters completing the stamping process. Please let me know if your mastering guy knows of any other options and if new masters will be sent. I will keep trying. But, after trying 3 attempts we have exhausted every means.
Please let me know how you would like to proceed.
I wish this was just a bad joke, but that's what was in my inbox today. OldMan, any ideas on this one? Unless they've updated their software, it shouldn't be impossible to replicate our format, as we already know from Insanity's production.
Arkhan if you can find your job #, I could email it to them for reference and maybe that will help. Other than that, I'm all out of ideas.