How do they stamp the wrong game? O_o
Let's all be thankful that it was the check-disc they screwed up.
I can picture them sending you 500 copies of insanity instead of MSR, in the MSR packaging. <sigh>
Nationwide Disc is NEVER getting our business again.
So far, they're the only ones who can make a pce-cd sucessfully, Rover. We may not like it, but we have to deal with it until we find another place that will even try.
There should be no troubleshooting to begin with. You put the disc in, copy it, cut the stamper, sent it to the replicator. Should be braindeadf*ckingsimple.
Not that simple, Rover. The copier, stamper and replicator -all- run checks to make sure things meet cd standards. They have to, or the disc -can't- be labeled a cd, of any kind.
Then there are various problems with the disc the master is made on. Sometimes there are pin-holes in the top layer, some times the dye is uneven, etc, etc. Any one of those, at the speed the presser runs, can totally ruin a complete batch of cd's. And you know Nationwide isn't gonna take that loss...
Things we often think of as 'should be simple' just aren't in real life.