If you're just looking to enjoy the experience, you can pick up the Sega CD version off Amazon.com for a lot less than the TG-16 CD version. And from what I hear, it includes all the same CD+G songs.
I cant post my bidding limit in a public forum without possibly being taken advantage of by ebay sellers.
Rock Paintings is a better experience anyways. The Informaiton Society tracks make the whole thing worth it.
If you want to improve your chances, it's best to not even talk about items like this. Countless noobs surf these boards looking for CIB collections with no idea what it entails. Judging by their weekly posts, most of these "collectors" don't even know which hucards don't have boxes. As soon as they hear about some worthless piece of paper or extra plastic crap, they go buy it on ebay: "What? Two games with extra cardboard wraps?" $300. "Ys had a map?!?" $75. "Red and black versions?" $50. "OMG R@RE Bikini games?" $400. More ignorance = more good deals.
Quote from: MotherGunner on October 22, 2012, 05:08:10 AMRock Paintings is a better experience anyways. The Informaiton Society tracks make the whole thing worth it.The full length CD that those InSoc tracks are taken from is worth about $5, and it's probably the best CG+G ever made.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on October 22, 2012, 08:47:06 AMQuote from: MotherGunner on October 22, 2012, 05:08:10 AMRock Paintings is a better experience anyways. The Informaiton Society tracks make the whole thing worth it.The full length CD that those InSoc tracks are taken from is worth about $5, and it's probably the best CG+G ever made. Yep, I got the full CD too and the whole this is awesome. Just start at track one and hit play.