I am not sure if this is the right place to post this, so my apologies if it should be in Sales & Trades.
So, strictly for sentimental reasons I would really like to get a hold of the North American rendition of Valis 3. I know this title isn't rare, but it isn't Keith Courage, either. I've seen boxed copies on here I think twice since I got on board, but I don't really want to pay boxed prices when I'd be perfectly happy with a loosie. I stalk a couple of used game stores both locally & on-line and I haven't seen it show up yet. It's frequently on Ebay, but surprise surprise the prices always seem a little steep (lowest I've seen is ~$60).
I was just hoping those wiser than myself in the ways of the Turbob might help me decide ... should I keep waiting & watching for a loose copy, should I spend more to get a boxed/ebay copy, or should I give up and get the less expensive Japanese version?
I don't mind waiting per se: I've been waiting to get this game for 18 years now. ^_^ But, I don't want to be obstinate & miss out altogether, either, you know?