Why are you so forceful about what games you've beaten? And why should we care? I suck at most games, but I play them because I like them. My success or lack of success should be largely irrelevant, and nobody here should care what games I can and cannot beat, or how I beat them. I may wish to brag, but nobody here should care. You seem so emphatic I have to wonder if there's an underlying self-esteem issue.
Edit: In retrospect, this reads more harshly than I think I intended. I apologize. Still, the meat of it is important enough I'm leaving it. Basically, I'm glad you're awesome at shooters. I like watching good shooter longplays on YouTube as I'm a shooter fan. The way you present your skills, however, is such an antithesis of humble that it kinda sounds like you demand we respect your skills, without you putting much else on the table to attempt to draw us in.
As for Dragon Saber, those cheap tricks you complain about can often be got around with a little memorization. Hell, R-type has some dead-ends I think are a little cheap until you've played the levels a few times, but it's still regarded as one of the best early shooters ever created. I think Dragon Saber is regarded more for the music than the gameplay anyway. It does have a rather nice soundtrack. I can't say I've ever thought of Namco as a company strong in the ways of shooters. Once Galaga become old hat they only paid the genre lip service.