Anyone know what the price of the disc is at this time? I seen a few on eBay recently as BIN for $55+. What is a fair price for the demo disc in your opinion? That is an example of the one I'm referring to. I didn't know there was two different promos for '94??? Is there a specific difference?
According to yukis old hibaihin site, the game had an (assumed) print of 10'000 pcs. isn't a bad price (for a CIBler one for sure)
Quote from: Mishran on September 10, 2011, 04:43:53 PM That is an example of the one I'm referring to. I didn't know there was two different promos for '94??? Is there a specific difference?I have Bomberman 94 Taikenban SCD (Mine has a color insert like this: )There may have been more copies of the disc made than the manuals, so who knows if that one is actually new.There are 3 other PCE promo bomberman gamesBomberman Users Battle HucardBomberman 93 Special Version Hucard Denden No Den SCD (Bomberman with Tengai Makyou characters)