For me, all the unreleased games were equally disappointing. I would have to say Dangerous Journeys just because TTI was finally starting to get some good US only titles out for the system. Ports of any of the great PCE titles would have been welcome as well. I would have probably ditched Bonk 3 SCD for Star Parodier/Spriggan/Drac X = pipe dream.
I remember back in the day reading about upcoming games and thinking the TTI (though they had their act together better than NEC-USA) was still missing the mark on what they snagged from the Japanese selection.
I had a discussion long ago about the upcoming Terraforming game. My friend and I both agreed that what was probably recommended to TTI was Spriggan Mk. 2 Re Terraform Project. Somehow wires got crossed and we ended up with Terraforming. Not a bad game, but probably not the best choice.
TV Sports Baseball may have actually made it very far into development considering a former NEC employee had an EPROM of it. I wasn't sure if he was ever able to get it working. If you're out there malicedoom - any updates?
I don't think there's any way it could've been Spriggan 2, there's lot's of dialogue in it, which means lot's of translating, even if they left out the voices. Terraforming was probably either cheap, or free for them to bring over. IIRC, Bonk 3 CD was given to them as a freebie. Baseball had to be done, it just had to. I've mentioned it before, but Game Dude even had a listing for a used copy of it at some time. But, the guy I asked didn't know anything about it. Might mean that some kind of eprom was sold to them at some time??
And I forgot to mention it, but, that Action RPG Adventure looking game, that was supposed to be 2 player, called Riftwar Saga.....I've always had a jones for that game. Might've been terrible for all I know, but it looked(from the 2 screenshots I've ever seen) & sounded cool.
As for that alternate version of Camp California that someone talked about, I hope you don't mean me? An old friend of mine, who's dad worked for Icom(& did the gfx for Ghost Manor, not to mention played the hero in that game!) had an old early demo of Camp California. I'm sure I've mentioned that, but, all I know about it, is that it was incomplete, & only had the title screen music, I remember hearing it over the phone, but never saw it in person.
And as for World Heroes, & King of the Monsters 2, I swear that one of the Shirley Bros. told me they were done, but wouldn't release them because they were afraid TTI was going to release WH2 with the Arcade Card, but then ofcoarse didn't release KotM 2 because it REQUIRED the Arcade card, irony at it's best