I picked up a generic AC adapter for the TG16 a little while back, and I wondered if it would work with at CD setup, but I didn't have one at the time to test it out. Well, I got a CD setup in the mail today, and tried it out, and it works! The AC adapter cost me $18.88 at Walmart, it comes with a few different plugs and has a power rating of up to 12V 1300 mah, which is a hair lower than the NEC adapter, but so far it seems to work.
Here is a link:
The largest tip works in the TGCD dock, the second largest works in the TG-16 base unit. I'm still testing to verify it doesn't have any odd issues, but so far so good. I figured I'd share, since the total for the Radio Shack AC adapter+ tip is what, $37?
I had a few bad experiences with those kind of power bricks from Wal Mart. One blew out and torched a guitar effect pedal. It was from PowerLine, and their customer service was a bunch of frigging douchebags. It took months for them to reimburse me for the 90$ pedal their power brick blew up. I had to write a few e-mails, and letters, and then I ended up having to send the thing to their HQ to get tested in a lab, where they finally went "oh, dang, I guess it really is broken".
The Radio Shack stuff is a bit more reliable for the extra money.... and the radio shack by me always gives me a free tip when I buy a powerthing.
I guess the only downside here is the Shack ones don't match the TGCD's black color.