Awesome game, Mishran! I already have it, so I'm out, but I wanted to commend you on your generosity. Very cool!
Selling games is a great way to fatten your wallet and help support collecting by giving you the necessary funds to add needed games to your collection. Giving, on the otherhand, doesn't help your own collection, but does help others. It helps to strengthen the community as a whole and is more fulfilling on a personal level.

The whole, "first come, first serve" routine is cool, but it doesn't give an equal chance of obtaining a game to everyone who may want it. There has been many time where a freebie would show up on here that I'd love to add to my collection, but I'd be detained in one way or another and unable to get to a computer or use my phone to see it until it was already gone.
I'm fairly certain I'm not the only one whose experienced this.

Raffling, on the otherhand, gives everyone a fair chance since a game or accessory is made available for longer than just a few minutes when the first person to see it claims it. I prefer this method and see that it has become quite popular on here. I really don't see the raffle going away anytime soon.
As a side note, Smileys' are the coolest.