Hey there,
I'm Joel and I come from some place far away. I recently decided to get into PC Engine after learning about the Sega arcade ports that they had (specifically After Burner which is one of my favorite games of all time) thanks to a guy named John Redmond, his friend Daryl, and a YouTube show they have called Game Bag. I bought a modded Turbografx-16 from another forum along with the fantastically underwhelming Keith Courage and the fun and playable Bomberman. After that I went on a game crazy bender and ordered a few more titles. I have these ones on the way, all of them are PC Engine versions since, hell, they are cheaper (and some only available in that format)
Space Harrier
After Burner
Doraemon (Cratermaze)
PC Genjin
Genpei Tomaden
Devil Crash
Dragon Spirit
Valkyrie no Densetsu
I am most excited for Devil Crash which was one of my favorite for the Genesis.
I mostly have been using this forum for educational purposes (as well as shopping, Valkyrie is being sold to me by a member here) but I thought I'd introduce myself so I don't look like some suspiciously quiet spam bot.
So hey.
Oh and I also bought Bloody Wolf...which rules.