Hello. I just made my first posts today after having been a member of the forums for a few months. Ive always been interested in PC Engine but never really got myself a system. I am now activly looking for a Core Grafx and have my eyes set on a couple of them which might become a purchase within a week.
My dream would be to purchase a modded and refurbished DUO-R from doujindance on ebay. Hopefully he keeps the systems coming like he has for years, for at least 6 months more, and ill be one of his customers. The way he cleans off the yellowing, replaces the laser unit and reinforces the I/O ports makes him my only choice, untill someone can do the same thing!
I have collected games, as a gamer, for over 20 years, and i enjoy most genre's except FPS's which i dislike like no other genre. Third person works fine though. My favourite system is 3DO, but i really dont have any "fanboy-syndrom" towards any system, of which i own 10ish different ones. The PC Engine seems like the next step when it comes to more specifically japanese style games, such as shootem ups, platform titles, puzzles and bomberman type games.
Ive actually picked up two games so far, without a way of playing them, Street fighter 2, and a dodgeball game ive already forgotten the name of, made by Naxat soft, along with the Hori Fighting Stick PC. Now all i need is a bloody system to play them...
So here i am!