I'd rather not treat international peeps like second class citizens and make them feel guilty for costing a bit extra for shipping. It's not all that much more (see below), and remember that they'll be incurring similar cost to ship their package to you. To offset the few extra bucks in shipping, stick close to the low end of the given price range, keep the weight down with a single pricier game instead of a group of cheapies, or have it shipped directly from whoever you're buying it from (from someone like hit-japan, it's the same price to have it shipped to Europe as it is to have it shipped to the US).
Two games in a padded envelope (~8oz) is $2.56 to ship domestically, $3.54 to have a moose deliver it up in the great white north, and $7.81 to send to most places outside NA. Is a single Abe really that big of a deal?