I'm anything but an Apple zealot, but I'll give credit where it's due: there's more to 'em than marketing. OSX is a fine OS (arguably better than Windows in many respects), much of their hardware is very well designed and easy to use, and price isn't terribly ridiculous as long as you're comparing apples to apples (pun not intended) for of both hardware specs and design. The only place where Apple really falls down is that they have nothing that competes with entry level desktops/laptops and they offer meager customization options.
I despite Apple for many reasons. I thought they were pretty great until all this iBullshit complete with everything turning shiney white. It's like an aryan computer race.
My PC cost less than the cheapest Macbook.
The cheapest Macbook can't run WoW on full settings, or FFXIV at all.
My PC can. What kind of comparison are we supposed to be doing here? I am playing FFXIV in glorious 1920x1080 fullscreen on highest settings. Gogling the comtents.
I hate Apple for reasons along the lines of what Vestcoat said. They allow the LCD of computer users to think they know stuff. When I hear someone say "I want a mac, its more versatile than a PC" and I know that person is a complete moron and can't even run a spyware scanner (because I had to de-retard their Windows XP computer multiple times. Stop clicking Yes to everything on the internet.), I get annoyed. I know it's just them repeating crap they saw in a commercial or advertisement online. They don't know dick about computers.
Tons of dipshits running around with glowing Apples, acting like they're all computer engineers because they connected with Steve Jobs on a cosmic level while listening to Arcade Fire in a dark room on their iPod while reading Jobs' quotes on Wikipedia. Hipsters flock to Apple and repeat all the crap in the commercials. I've heard countless people do the "it just works" shit. The one guy in IS at my work is an Appletard and he tries telling people to use OSX for everything. "If it can't be done in OSX, it shouldn't be done at all". I pointed out that the software we make is for Windows and asked how that made him feel.
A Mac is not more versatile. I've yet to find someone tell me something their mac can do that a PC can't. I don't think I ever will. I'm open to suggestions.
But, a PC can play tons of games, and do all the media design photo video hoojoo music crap OSX can!
. I prefer FruityLoops over the Mac's music program options... If you have the right know-how, you can use legacy hardware even! Far more customizable. You won't see any f*ckin iMac computers with sweet blue LED fans all over the thing. You COULD use a mac to do stuff like C64/PCE/NES development, but you'll be gooning around with USB to Serial/Parallel cables since the Mac doesn't have those ports and has no other means to getting them.
the plastic Macbook casing is trash also. I went through 2 batteries in a year with my brandnew Macbook. The power cable for it broke in under 6 months. The "Super drive" had to be replaced in 8 months. I'm glad I drowned that f*cker in Pepsi and sold it broken on eBay for like 800 bucks. I put the hard drive in my PS3. Suck on that, Jobs.
Insanity was burned on a 1x SCSI CD Burner. What's that tell you? Mac's aren't built to last anymore. They used to be. Power Macs were awesome.
and, Windows 7 is the greatest OS I have ever used. It installs in under 30 minutes and is ready to go the second you boot to the desktop. That rules. There are a huge list of awesome things in Windows 7. Windows 8 on the other hand, that shit is going to suck. I don't want it.
I used OSX for about 2 years and was underwhelmed by it. If I want that kind of environment, I'll use Linux. I used to use Linux w/ a OSX theme and confuse people. 'HOW DID YOU GET OSX ON THAT NEC LAPTOP BRAH? WHATS AN NEC ? IS THAT FOREIGN" Direct quote from some scarf-wearing-in-90-degree-weather idiot.
It looks sterile. I can't stand the silvery gunmetal look to it. The dock is one of the most annoying things on the planet. The amount of useful software for someone like me can be counted on 2 hands with spare fingers left over.
oh, and Apple mice are retarded. The newest one looks like a friggin electric shaver.
Sure, I will recognize that OSX is nice and that it is stable. It's snappy/responsive (but I sure crashed it constantly. Just works my ass!)... but it's not really for me. I need more than it can offer. Apple wants you to treat your computer like an appliance. Steve Jobs thought that early on. He even looked at various household appliances for design ideas for the hardware. They aren't made for power users. Development for Apple platforms is irritating too. Objective C is special ed and XCode is trash on a stick.
PC4Lyfe. w/ some Linux if I feel like being an extra-douchey douche.
If Apple didn't charge out the ass for their products, I could maybe see myself liking them more. I get more bang for my buck building my own PCs. Then, I can blow more money on things that matter, like PCE games and guitars.