You see, the mindset of an average Apple user may be douchey, but the average mindset of a PC user (from what I've seen on the internet) certainly isn't better. Arkhan comes off as a foul human being with his rants. And similar diatribe doesn't really help anything. Let people spend money on what they want. Who gives a f*ck? You're no better than they are. I don't hear this same bitchiness from people who spend $30,000 on a car when a $500 Yugo could get them to the same place just as well.
You call it being a foul human being, I call it being brutally honest and not sugar coating it. I am far better than the Appletard Cult. I don't repeat lame commercials and use them to form the basis for my love of the platform, and I don't talk about how Bill Gates is the messiah and a huge inspiration, and all of that bullshit. And you know what? Apple started all of the bullshit. They're the morons that chose to "be different" by basically flaming the other party. They asked for it every time they released a HULLO IM A HIP MAC, and I'm a boring PC commercial.
Sorry, my clear blue computer with blue LEDs all the f*ck over it, hooked up to a tron keyboard and mouse, playing games at max settings is a lot more hip and cool than a toaster looking machine with a screen on it that can't do shit except Photoshop and cut up videos. Guess what, my bluebox of doom can run the entire Adobe line, and probably runs it better because I have SLI'd GTX 480s in the f*cker right now.
I just loves me some IBM compatibles and love being able to do whatever the f*ck I want to them without needing some special, retarded screw driver just to get into the thing. Ever try opening a Macbook? Its a real punch in the cock.
I stated my reasons for dislike pretty bluntly. You won't hear me *only* giving the typical anti PC (Apple computers are PCs, lolol)/M$ propaganda nonsense like the iCultists. All they can do is repeat commercials and have no idea what they're talking about. The blind leading the blind. At least my "diatribe" has valid reasoning. I'm not just hating to hate. There are reasons. I tried Mac, I tried putting up with the morons, I gave it all a shot. And the results are in: The stuff blows. I even performed an experiment. I successfully talked 5 people into buying Macbooks by simply repeating the commercials after buying my Macbook. All I did was repeat all of the crap, and putz around on the thing. Before I knew it, everyone went and took out Apple credit cards and got Macbooks. 3 of those 5 people regret the living shit out of it.
I don't care if they're buying the stuff. Go ahead. It just gives me more reasons to call the people complete dumbf*cks. *shrug*. was programmed on a 1ghz NEC (f*ck yeah) laptop w/ Linux for about 70% of it, and then moved to an HP w/ Vista/Win7. Suck it, Apple. No turbob for you.