Hark!, people of, or related to, the TurboGrafx-16 and its intergalactic sibling, the PC Engine! Some of you no doubt turned up your noses at basic puzzle outlier Klax, offered in my first raffle. Others were likely disappointed that Bonk's Adventure, from the second raffle, was too common; most folks already own it.
"When are we going to get a raffle that offers something for everyone? That offers choices? That offers... Freedom?" Well, here's your fix, thou fickle connoisseur of archaic electronic leisure!
allyourblood's Choose Your Own Adventure raffle! Winner chooses one of the following games:
1. Blazing Lazers (US), HuCard only, but in okay shape.
2. Dungeon Explorer (JP), HuCard, original case & manual, replacement sleeve. Exhibits some wear.
3. J.J. & Jeff (US), HuCard, original case (retention clip is gone) & manual, replacement sleeve. Exhibits some wear.
4. Pac-Land (US), HuCard, original case & manual, replacement sleeve. Exhibits some wear.
5. Sonic Spike (US), HuCard & manual only. Manual is very crisp. Card has some light wear.
6. Tale Spin (US), HuCard only. Pretty good shape.
7. Tricky Kick (US), HuCard, original case & manual, replacement sleeve. Exhibits some wear, but overall good.
Upon close of the raffle, I will ship ONE of the above choices to the winner, free of charge in the US.
As before, a few rules or guidelines, if you please:1.
You must have joined the site prior to this first post to qualify, and you must have at least 50 posts before entering: Yep, I raised the required post cap this time around. The prize is better (in my humble opinion) and I think the stakes should be higher. I want to reward active members for their participation. If you don't have 50 posts yet, get to work. But please, no filler or garbage; find a topic to participate in, and share your thoughts. That's what makes this site so great.
If you have won a raffle on this site in the last 30 days, please sit this one out and give others a chance to win. Share the wealth!
Please enter only if you don't already own at least one of these games. Shouldn't be hard for most members to find something they don't already have. Hence, the lovely, lovely choices!
As in my previous raffles, international entrants are welcome, but you'll have to pay shipping, which might negate the joy of winning a not-so-valuable HuCard. Your call.
So, that's it. I'm going to let this run a little over a full week to give folks plenty of time to enter, so I'll select a winner Friday night, likely around 6-7pm PST (10/28/11). Post if you want in, and good luck!