I agree with everyone who has said that Lilgrafx is worthy of the prize and will keep the TurboTorch burning bright. I was just shocked that "young folks" are here on the forums

I think I was a freshman in High School when I really started getting heavy into video game collecting. Really it was about the same time as I got a job hehe.
Lilgrafx, if you're into other stuff, www.gametz.com is a pretty good place to work out trade deals for all kinds of video game stuff.
Yeah I started collecting last summer when my brother started getting big into collecting Super Nintendo. I really liked the older games and wanted to find a system to collect for, then I stumbled upon the amazingness that is the Turbo. Needless to say its hard collecting for a obsure system when your only source of income is mowing lawns
. I can't wait to get a summer job and blow all my money on video game.
I was in the same situation when I was in school, too.

That's why I spent so much time with crappy games (I couldn't afford anything new/better).
Sadly, my life has come full-circle and I can no longer afford to spend much $$$ on video games (3 children + everything else). It's hilariously pathetic when you think about it!