Barmy army...
Winnets (dingleberries, yes?)
Definitely don't know either of those ... perhaps after-my-time???
A good bit of GBH though ... definitely a part of the late-1970s/early-1980s Punk vs Mod scene.
Jahahajajaha... Many of those items were just snippets of lyrics that broadened my vocabulary...of course, before the Internet, it took some work to figure out some references.
"Barmy Army" is from some song by the Exploited
Winnets...I can't remember what song that was from, but I had no clue what a winnet was.
Ignore the 1st 10 seconds of the video, but this song exemplifies the difference between to 2 styles, 1979 punk-dystopia in esteban's and my tracks, and 1979 50s-Mod-revival (see The Who's Quadrophenia) ...
Hey, I occasionally listen to songs with positive energy and uplifting lyrics.
"Time for Action" is a great song to drive to when you are happy
I often listen to The Jam when I am happy driving.
Without even watching the link...I already think I know...
Is this the Giorgio Moroder soundtrack for Metropolis?
I've owned several different versions of this film, but obviously I am a sucker for Moroder.
Which reminds me: FOXES soundtrack...