Pretty alright, any other Iron Maiden favorites of yours to check out, este ?
So many, many great Iron Maiden songs 
Hallowed Be Thy Name
I remember some classmates that liked them, but I never got to hear much of them from anywhere (radio-wise) as the metal genre wasn't too popular growing up.
Manowar : A bit of a guilty pleasure of mine from a few years back when I ran into some of their stuff...
Don't judge me bro!

Another one I like is "Call to Arms" and the best thing about that is how well it goes with movie music video fan creations, e.g. Lord of the Rings, 300, etc.
- Better res, but using Zack Snyder's "300."
Only other metal band I liked was Metallica, but just a few key titles, "The Unforgiven" and "Nothing Else Matters."