Author Topic: WiiMednafen  (Read 11699 times)

Burnt Lasagna

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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #105 on: December 07, 2011, 05:33:19 AM »
OR, a PC attached to a TV.
I said it once and I will say it again.

Using the Wii is one of the more authentic emulation experiences. Since it has the ability to output in the TG16/PCE's native resolution (240p) and has variety of different controller options. You probably can even find a third part convertor to play with the original controller, thanks to the VC.

This is why I like WiiMednafen as oppose to other emulators, even if you do have the option to output it onto your TV.     

What's your beef with using a phone?
Nothing really, I'm sure his phone is fine. I'm just saying his phone does not do all the same things as WiiMednafen.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2011, 05:53:25 AM by Burnt Lasagna »
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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #106 on: December 07, 2011, 06:02:36 AM »
People just f*cking hate the Wii. I don't quite understand it myself, but its basically the most hated system ever, and if you are any kind of "mature" or "hard core" gamer you are required to hate it and brag about how long its been since you turned yours on, or how many games you still have in the shrink wrap, or else you are a GAY WAD and your mature adult gamer card gets revoked. As for why Arkhan hates it...that's just what it does. He hates a system that has Mario Galaxy and then sticks up for total shit like China Warrior and Energy. "Backward" would probably be a good word for it. To some, the politics of gaming are more entertaining that actual gaming.

I was an early (pre launch) Wii supporter/defender.  I got it on launch day expecting their lies and filth to be true.

What I was treated to was a subpar gimmick filled gaming experience with really imprecise controls and near dated visuals that made me wonder "why?".  They took everything I expected out of the Wii and smashed it into the ground.  I also got treated to NiGHTS: Travesty of Dreams or whatever, which is the single most disappointing thing in the history of video games.

It wasn't until 1-2 years ago that the Wii started getting good games in rapid quantity.  You can't fault people for hating a system that took THAT FRIGGING LONG to get a substantial amount of titles that weren't gimmicks, or total crap.  The thing sat dormant on my shelf for ages.  I blew money on TONS of games hoping they would be great, or at least decent.  All I got was wasted money, so I stopped buying games and left the thing sitting.  I only turned it on to play the 6 gamecube games that came out in that systems lifespan that weren't total crap. 

I blame the motion controls and their over emphasis for so long.  Metroid prime would have performed better with normal controls.

Most games, the controls feel tacked on, so then you're just holding a really lame controller that's tethered together and ultimately uncomfortable to hold after too long.

Then there are games like Red Steel where the controls just suck. 

So, the difference with sticking up for CW and Energy is this:

they are *games*, not a console.  CW was the FIRST game for PCE.  It did amazing things to the world of gaming and noone seems to notice or care.  The sprites are huge.  The music is good.  The controls are in fact solid and responsive.   The game itself is a matter of reflexes and memorization.  It's the perfect quarter eating skill-game.  Next are we going to say Gladiator sucks?

Energy is like 5$ and is a quick throw in game to screw around with on a beautiful system that doesn't disappoint.  Noone waited and believed the hype for either of those only to be let down beyond all belief for years.

The first two Wii games I got were pretty good.  Zelda had tacked on motion controls and was too easy, but it wasn't a total let down.  It still sucks compared to LttP or Links Awakening..

and then Trauma Center was a port of a DS game, so it wasn't even new.  After that, it was a steady stream of complete trash for a long time. 

It has nothing to do with "hurhrhrr mature gamer" or whatever for me.  I hate those people too.  I hate 95% of the gaming world to be honest.   I don't care what other gamers think of me, because I think they're all stupid.  I love the PC-FX, enjoy the Playdia , and the Loopy.  These are things "mature" gamers call me a gaywad for anyways since they got pink all over the place.

IGN, G4, Gamespot, and all that crap.  It's all retarded and breeds failures.  Right now their "best game of 2011" battle is a bunch of overhyped graphic centered games that mostly suck, and you don't see much in terms of Japanese games, because G4 is a bunch of idiots with no braincells.  HURHRUHR SKYRIM AND ASSAIMS CREED.  YEAH!1!1 GAMEAR SCOR! 

I hate the wii for more valid reasons stemming from disappointment and wasted money.

If I brushed the thing off until like 2 years ago and got the thing when tons of good games came out, and all the mediocre games dropped to <=20$, I wouldn't be as anti-wii as I am.

At this point though, I can tolerate the Wii.  Sonic Colors, the two recent Kirby games, fragile dreams, and lost in shadow are games worth having.  Klonoa turned out OK too.  Muramasa is fun.
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #107 on: December 07, 2011, 09:10:22 PM »
To me this is just...bankrupt. Sure, we all have to make judgements about the world around us based on personal experience, but judging the quality of the Wii and Energy by hype and the timing of your purchase is just crap.

You realize Energy was a full price game, right? You realize it cost the same as Super Star Solider and PC Genjin 2, right? But since you bought it recently for $5 its something so great it deserves you starting a special thread to talk about how bad it isn't? Energy sucks ass. It cost sixty f*cking dollars and its easily one of the top five worst PCE games...but that's just not all that bad? How bad does a game have to be before you consider it bad? Does it have to literally not run, or maybe somehow melt your system? If you actually enjoy this sort of garbage then I actually envy you, I really do, but still...there has to be some kind of measure what is quality in my life. I can't eat at McDonalds every day, drive Chrysler products, and live in a cardboard box. I'm not going to enjoy Energy, neither is anyone else (except those dudes with neck beards and really long skateboards who just want to laugh at it).

I bought my Wii less than two years ago. As soon as I bought it there was plenty to play on it. Do I live in a parallel universe from you where the Wii is good?

When the PSP came out it was an overpriced, over-featured, battery hogging piece of crap with ridiculous load times. I didn't buy one. I bought a series 2000 when those came out years later and learned to copy all the games onto my Memory Stick. Battery life is almost as good as my DSi, the software selection is fantastic, and there are virtually zero load times. To me, its a good system because it became a good system, but to some idiot who bought it day one and hasn't touched it in 5 years its a piece of crap? This makes no sense.


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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #108 on: December 08, 2011, 12:45:53 AM »
Haha this whole thread is funny.  It's all about the wiimednafen and being able to play pc-engine games in an "almost close as you can get to real hardware" on your wii.  It's a good experience.  Try it.  If you don't like it great!  If you love it, great!  I wonder how many people in here have even tried this yet?  If they haven't then why complain about it?  It's a great alternative.  I own a US Duo and I still use WiiMednafen.  It has Super Grafx support as well.  I'm surely never going to buy a Super Grafx for the few "but good" games it has.  I would personally rather just use WiiMedafen if I want to play it on a standard TV.  I'm not saying it's a better experience, just it's a good alternative for me.  
« Last Edit: December 08, 2011, 12:48:30 AM by geise »


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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #109 on: December 08, 2011, 01:08:44 AM »
judging the quality of the Wii and Energy by hype and the timing of your purchase is just crap.

No it's not.  Clearly, you missed the point. 

You realize Energy was a full price game, right? You realize it cost the same as Super Star Solider and PC Genjin 2, right? But since you bought it recently for $5 its something so great it deserves you starting a special thread to talk about how bad it isn't? Energy sucks ass. It cost sixty f*cking dollars and its easily one of the top five worst PCE games...but that's just not all that bad? How bad does a game have to be before you consider it bad? Does it have to literally not run, or maybe somehow melt your system? If you actually enjoy this sort of garbage then I actually envy you, I really do, but still...there has to be some kind of measure what is quality in my life. I can't eat at McDonalds every day, drive Chrysler products, and live in a cardboard box.

For starts, it didn't cost 60$.  5200 yen (according to both Magweasel, and the price sticker on my copy) in 1989 was like < 40$.  Don't price it based off the fact that our dollar is worthless in 2011.

The difference, as I said, is that Energy is just a GAME.  It's not an entire system.  You can buy it, play it, realize you hate it, and then move onto a different game, especially in 1989 on the PC Engine.  By then, you have plenty of frikkin options, and the system itself is not failing to deliver.  Trade it in, resell it to someone, hold onto it for fun.   What do you do when the Wii games all suck and you've got nothing to play on your overhyped OMG MOTION CONTORLS?!/! system that failed to deliver any of the promised immersion and excitement?  You can trade it in, but then what? You're out an entire SYSTEM.  Not just one game.  Then you hock the thing, and it suddenly gets better and you're like "CMON. WTF."

Buying and hating a game is alot different than buying and hating an entire video game console when it didn't get anything worth a damn until the price was 100$ for one.  Why didn't they just wait and release the Wii when all the good stuff was ready to be released?

That's grounds for hating a system.  250$ to wait like 4 years to actually enjoy the system?  That's dumb.  Shame on the Wii and on Nintendo for screwing things up.  They botched Prime 3 so bad that Other M had to come pick up the slack.

The wii on it's own is fine.  The wii w/ its library up until early to mid 2010, was pretty awful.  I was beyond excited for the Wii until I got it and was underwhelmed and extremely disappointed in the quality of games on it.  I even got banned from a forum for defending the Wii to the point that I was basically telling the admin of the forum and all of his buddies off, in an un-nice a way as possible.  Man those were fun times.  That was more fun than actually playing the launch Wii.

I would honestly play Energy and China Warrior nonstop for a week straight than any game released in the first 3ish years of the things lifespan.  I think Muramasa was the first game that made me really enjoy owning a Wii for more than an hour. Before that you had Umbrella Chronicles, but that was only great for a playthrough and then it was a second rate HOTD.  Who needs that when you've got a Dreamcast and light guns, AND HOTD2.  The Wii relaunch ones weren't very great since the light gun attachments are all pretty awful.

I'm not going to enjoy Energy, neither is anyone else (except those dudes with neck beards and really long skateboards who just want to laugh at it).

People in the thread beg to differ.  << \o/   He dogs on the game but then points out that it's not so bad and provides comic relief.  It's the kind of game someone who likes Hydlide would enjoy.  We're a special kind of gamer. 

I bought my Wii less than two years ago. As soon as I bought it there was plenty to play on it. Do I live in a parallel universe from you where the Wii is good?

You bought it less than 2 years ago.  I bought it the day it came out.  When I got it there was nothing to play on it after I beat the mediocre Zelda game.  There was nothing GOOD to play on it for awhile.  It sat there, taunting me going "yeah you stood in line and blew 250$ on me.  How's it feel!? I won't be good until I only cost 100$ SUCKER".  Everything that released for awhile was total garbage.  Brawl, NiGHTs, Red Steel, it was just a train wreck.  Motion control gimmicks.

I think you've missed the part where I mention that it *finally* has good games to play, as of games like Muramasa, Fragile Dreams, Kirby Epic yarn, etc.

When the PSP came out it was an overpriced, over-featured, battery hogging piece of crap with ridiculous load times. I didn't buy one. I bought a series 2000 when those came out years later and learned to copy all the games onto my Memory Stick. Battery life is almost as good as my DSi, the software selection is fantastic, and there are virtually zero load times. To me, its a good system because it became a good system, but to some idiot who bought it day one and hasn't touched it in 5 years its a piece of crap? This makes no sense.

*shrug*. When it came out, it had a decent library (that is the key to a system.  See: the 3DS), doubled as a portable media player, and could be loaded with emulators to take on the go.  That sure beats the Wii's launch status of 2 decent games, one of which was a DS remake.   The PSP launch lineup was pretty awesome.
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #110 on: December 08, 2011, 01:17:09 AM »
Wait...what were we talking about again?  :-#


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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #111 on: December 08, 2011, 01:17:42 AM »
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #112 on: December 08, 2011, 01:19:11 AM »
Is that what you sell to buy games like Energy?  :D


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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #113 on: December 08, 2011, 01:20:19 AM »
No, I could find spare change to buy games like Energy.  it rules.

Hydlide for NES cost me 52 cents at Funcoland.
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #114 on: December 08, 2011, 01:22:06 AM »
I play Hydlide for free on WiiMedafen cause I don't have change in my couch.  :(


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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #115 on: December 08, 2011, 01:43:46 AM »
I play Hydlide for free on WiiMedafen cause I don't have change in my couch.  :(
That sucks.  You should try the MSX2 disk version.  The graphics is all purdy like.
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Burnt Lasagna

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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #116 on: December 08, 2011, 02:07:02 AM »
Arkhan, cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it.

I also bought a Wii at launch and was disappointed by the large amount of garbage on the system until just recently. I had to bite the bullet on the fact that I wasted $150 buying the system at launch, but whatever, It’s just a $150 I could of done allot worse.

I now think the Wii is great system and has more exclusive games then the PS3 or Xbox360. Since those systems usually share all the same games with each other. 
« Last Edit: December 08, 2011, 02:48:59 AM by Burnt Lasagna »
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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #117 on: December 08, 2011, 02:23:10 AM »
Arkhan, cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it.
I'll build it out of balsa wood, just for you.  

Though, I don't have to get over anything.  I can hate the 3DS and Wii launch status until the day I die, and you can't do dick about it except go HURHRHURHRR CRY ME A RIVER AND BUILD A BRIDGE.  I can't help it I don't roll over and take it in the ass when things suck.

I'm loud, I don't like anything usually, deal with it.

I dunno about you but I'm still pissed the launch title was basically a dumb tech demo.  Where's a real pack in/launch game?  Nintendo hasn't done so hot with that one.

I also bought a Wii at launch and was disappointed by the lardge amount of garbage on the system until just recently. I had to bite the bullet on the fact that I wasted $150 buying the system at launch, but whatever, It’s just a $150 I could of done allot worse.
You sure you got it at launch for 150$? Everyone else paid 250$.  For 250$ you could get a lot of other things.

what's lardge anyways?  Is it like, a barge made out of lard or something?

I now think the Wii is great system and has more exclusive games then the PS3 or Xbox360. Since those systems usually share all the same games with each other.  

Me too.  You must have missed me saying it finally has games worth owning a Wii to play.  That's what happens when you're too busy trying to "hurhurhr owned" someone.

though, exclusive doesn't always mean good, anyway.  The Wii would've been better if it was <=150$ at launch and had half the good games it has now.

and the classic controller still blows.

The 1st party WiiZapper is a piece of demented plastic.
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Burnt Lasagna

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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #118 on: December 08, 2011, 02:56:55 AM »
Quote from: Arkhan
I'll build it out of balsa wood, just for you.  
Thank you so much! :D
Quote from: Arkhan
You sure you got it at launch for 150$? Everyone else paid 250$.  For 250$ you could get a lot of other things.
I did pay $250. I’m saying I wasted $150 because of the $150 price cut to $100, which is when I should of bought it.
EDIT: wait a minuet! The Wii isn't a $100 it's $150. I guess I wasted $100 then.
Quote from: Arkhan
what's lardge anyways?  Is it like, a barge made out of lard or something?
It's a typo. I meant to say large.

« Last Edit: December 08, 2011, 03:02:10 AM by Burnt Lasagna »
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Re: WiiMednafen
« Reply #119 on: December 08, 2011, 02:58:27 AM »
You're ok with wasting 150$?  I'm not.

150$ is a lot of PCE games.
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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